Friday, October 31, 2014


A look at the celebration of All Hallows Eve (Halloween) and it's early beginnings.

Evolving from the ancient Celtic holiday of Samhain, modern Halloween has become less about literal ghosts and ghouls and more about costumes and candy. The Celts used the day to mark the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter, and also believed that this transition between the seasons was a bridge to the world of the dead.  Over the millennia the holiday transitioned from a somber pagan ritual to a day of merriment, costumes, parades and sweet treats for children and adults.

Saturday, October 25, 2014



Which Stone is best for me to start with?
That is a personal question that only you can answer. You should follow your spirit and see what you are drawn too because no one knows better than your spirit what medicine you need. However, I will say many love to start with Rose Quartz, Jade or Aventurine but all in all there is no right or wrong answer.

What size is best for me to start with?
Most women start with a medium size egg. There are a few cases in which a women may start with a larger egg and this includes if she has just had a baby vaginally or has had a few children vaginally.  Also women larger women and those who are over 50 may require larger eggs to start with. The smaller the egg, the harder it is to sense, feel and manipulate and the larger the egg the easier it is to feel but it is also heavier so it can be harder to hold because of the weight.  There is no way for me or you to know 100% which size is the perfect fit for you until you try working with them. However, if you find that you have trouble holding the egg in as you walk around then you should start with just sitting with the egg a few times a week for maybe 10 or 15 minutes (or whatever amount of time you have) and just focus on squeezing the egg and seeing if you can feel it and over time your strength will increase so that you can walk around with it.

What is the difference between drilled and undrilled?
Drilled eggs have a hole drilled through it so that a string can be attached to the egg for easy removal and for more advanced exercises. However, there is no need to be afraid of the egg getting stuck inside of you because that won’t happen. However, in the beginning most women cannot take the egg out on command but trust that the egg is doing healing work that you are not aware of and it will come out when you relax and when it is ready. However, some women just don’t feel comfortable with that so they choose drilled eggs.  Also, if you have a drilled egg you can choose to work with it without the string as well.
How do I cleanse and charge the egg?
You want to start by cleaning it and you do that by placing it in a bowl or cup and then pour hot (but not boiling hot) water over it until the egg is completely submerged and let it sit there for a few minutes and then put it in cold water for 20 mins or so until it is completely cool to touch. It should not be hot at all. Do not boil it in a pot. Boil the water first and then pour it over the egg in a seperate cup or bowl. If you want to add your own ritual to cleanse and charge the egg please do.  Stones have powerful vibrations and they can pick up your prayers and intentions. So if there is something you would like to work on you can put that intention into the water and stone as you cleanse it and charge it.  You can also set your stone in the sun or moon to charge it, do what your spirit guides you to do but do not use soap on the egg.

How can I start working with the egg and how long can I wear it?
Starting off with gentle breast and nipple massage is a good way to prepare your yoni for the egg. Because our kidney meridians run through the breasts, breast massage helps to activate the kidneys which is not only where we store our sexual energy but it is also the corresponding yin organ to the yang uterus, ovaries and bladder.  Concentrating on the nipples really helps to stimulate the kidneys and bladder but massaging the entire breast area activates all of the endocrine glands.

Then when you insert the egg you want to make sure you are in a relaxed state. You want the larger part of the egg facing the ceiling and the smaller part of the egg facing the floor. When you feel relaxed and ready you can gently insert it in. YOu do not need to push it all the way up to the top just gently push it in until your muscles suck it in and it feels snug.

For now when you feel stress or anxiety coming on take a deep breath in and channel it in to your egg on the exhale release it out into the universe as transformed positive energy. Remember, the egg is an ancient symbol for transformation all over the world, so ask the egg to help you transform your stagnant, sad or unproductive energy into loving, compassionate energy.  Thus, it is important to connect your heart chakra with your sexual center.  It is also a good idea to gently massage your nipples in circles to help connect your heart chakra to your sexual center. This is vital. Move your hips and yoni muscles when you feel stressed or heavy.

Can I have sex with it inside of me?
Despite what most may think, YES you can have sex with the egg inside of you.  However, everyone is an individual so you should listen to your body and do what works best for you. If your body tells you no then don’t. If you or your partner feels discomfort then don’t.  Most women are afraid that the egg wilt go up into their cervix but that will not happen and when a woman is penetrated with the egg inside of her, the egg tends to go to the side of the phallus or penetrating object as opposed to be pushed up into the cervix.
Often times you (the woman) do not feel the egg inside of you during sex but your partner often times will feel it massaging his penis and it usually feels good to men. However, there are cases where men do not feel it at all and/or where it may be irritating to him, which is more likely when a man is very well endowed. So keep these in mind and go slow but plenty of women have enjoyable sex with the egg inside of them.

What are the benefits of working with the egg?
Working with a crystal or stone egg inside of our yoni helps to strengthen the muscles and diaphragms (such as urogenital and pelvic) that support our sexual organs. It also helps a woman to gain more control over those muscles so that she may develop and ambidextrous pussy and it also makes a woman a lot more sensitive.  Many women know about our G-Spot but we have more than just one, there are plenty of sensitive spots in the vaginal canal and working with a pussy egg helps for you to become more sensitive by waking them up. Working with the egg also helps to increase blood flow to the genital region and it helps to circulate stagnate energy and activate our cosmic, kundalini snakes.

Complete story here>>>

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Aromatherapist and author Kathi Keville tells us her picks for creating an essential oil kit for beginners. In this first video, Kathi covers Lavender, Rosemary, and Geranium essential oils for body care, emotional support, and health. 

You can find the Classic Essential Oil kit here:

Aromatherapy: A Complete Guide 

Saturday, October 18, 2014



The transformation of a human being into an animal. The belief is an ancient one. The term derives from the Greek words lukos, a wolf, and anthropos, a man, but it is employed regarding a transformation into any animal shape. It is chiefly in those countries where wolves are numerous that we find such tales concerning them. But in India and some parts of Asia, the tiger takes the place of the wolf. In Russia and elsewhere it is the bear, and in Africa the leopard.
Such beliefs generally adhere to savage animals, but even harmless ones sometimes figure in them. There is considerable confusion as to whether such transformations were voluntary or involuntary, temporary or permanent. The human being transformed into the animal may be the physical individual or, on the other hand, may be only a double, that is, the human spirit may enter the animal but the human body remain unchanged.
Magicians and witches were credited with the power of transforming themselves into wolves and other animal shapes, and it was asserted that if the animal were wounded, then the marks of the wound would be discovered upon the wizard's body. The belief was current in many tribal cultures that every individual possessed an animal form, which could be entered at death or at will. This transformation was effected either by magic or natural agency.
As mentioned, the wolf was a common form of animal transformation in Europe. In ancient Greece, the belief was associated with the dog, which took the place of the wolf. Other similar beliefs have been found in India and Java. In the former country we find the werewolf in a kind of vampire form.