Saturday, December 6, 2014


Natural and Traditional Remedies Coming To You From The Laboratory of The Most High For What Might Be Ailing You
 Sundial Herbs and Herbal Products International has been in existence since the early 1970’s. However, the recipes from our products goes back at least 100-years. It has been handed down from our Great-Great-Grandfather, who was the family healer, and descent of the Koromantee Tribe (Maroons) in Jamaica, West Indies. In countries and areas outside the United States most people try to hold onto the tradition of using herbs, roots, barks and natural elements from nature to assist with the well-being and maintenance of the body. This tradition is then handed down to the one designated as the “family healer”. So it was… that the family healer was designated to be the Bush Doctor – Baba Rahsan Abdul Hakim. From the age of eight he was designated to carrying on the family tradition of making Woodroot Tonic, Koromantee Bitters and other family recipes using natural herbs, roots, barks, spices and seeds.

BABA  RAHSAN  ABDUL  HAKIM,  more  commonly  known  as  your  grassroots “Bush  Doctor”,  is  an  elder Afrikan  Herbalite.    Born  in  Jamaica,  West  Indies.    He  traced  is  Great-Grandfather’s  roots  back  to  the  Koromantee  Tribe  (Maroons).   From  the  age  of  eight  he  was  designated  to  carry  on  the  family’s  healing  lineage,  and  acquired  his  early  hands-on  training  from  his  Grandfather,  Father,  Mother  and  Aunt  Rose.
He  continues  to  work  and  study  the  varied  practical  applications  of  herbs.  His  expeditions  have  taken  him into  Cuba,  Mexico,  Belize,  Guatemala,  Haiti,  England,  the  Caribbean  Islands  and  Afrika.
Baba  Rahsan  is  the  original  and  “Grandfather”  of  all  woodrooot  and  koromantee  products  on  the  market!   He  is  the  CEO  of  Sundial  Herbs and  Herbal  Products  InternationalĂ’,  which  produces  a  line  of  traditional  herbal  tonics,  herbal  blends  and  skincare  products;   and  is  also  the  owner  of  Health  At  Sunrise  Healing  and  Learning  Center,  and  Koromantee  Health  Food  Store.
Baba  Rahsan  shares  his  natural  and  traditional  healing  remedies  on  his  long-standing  radio  program  “HEALTH  AT  SUNRISE”,  as  well  as  on  various  television  programs,  herbal  seminars,  food  preparation  workshops,  survival  journey  retreats.    He  has  been  the  main  speaker  at  events  held  by  Rev.  Al  Sharpton,  Alton  Maddox, Esq.,  Air  Jamaica  Health  Seminar,  and  at  local  schools  and  colleges.    His  lectures  have  taken  him  to  Atlanta,   Virginia,  Buffalo,  Boston, England  and  the  Caribbean  Islands.   His  health  articles  have  appeared  in  the  following  newspapers:  The  Amsterdam  News,  The  Carib  News,  The  Daily  Challenge,  The  Caribbean  Life,  The Gleaner;  as  well  as  in  magazines  like:  Roots  Magazine,  Encore,  Everybody,  Ujaama,  Unfold,  Afrikan  Business &   Culture. 
Founder-Organizer  and  Chairman  of  The  Ethiopian  World  Federation – Chapter 27 (in  the  Bronx).    Whose  aims  are  to  unify,  educate,  promote  and  inspire  all  peoples  of  Afrikan  Ancestry.