Sunday, June 28, 2015

64 Hexagrams Of The I-Ching

Below are the 64 Hexagrams in a playlist...Skip forward or enjoy them all...May you be blessed with the good fortune I have acquired from using this form of Divination...  

 The I Ching, or Book of Changes, is an ancient Chinese book of wisdom and divination. Rather than foretelling the future, however, the I Ching instead tells us what we should do if our lives are to be in harmony with the forces of the universe that determine the future. In this respect, the knowledge it imparts is far better than a mere foreseeing of future events, for it tells us those actions we might take that are most beneficial for our life on this planet as we face the future. Divination using the I Ching is a fairly simple process of finding an answer that is applicable to a particular personal problem. Most readers of the book find it has far more significance if it is applied in this way to a real-life situation. Indeed, much of the book seems to consist of simple-minded truisms. But when a person is in the midst of a difficult and perplexing situation, even a simple but appropriate truism can be an enormous help.

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Thursday, June 11, 2015

Goddess Of The Ocean

Yemaya Prayer
Oh Divine Yemaya, "bring health and strength to those worthy to receive it. We hope, dear Lady, that through your intercession we receive what we ask for in prayer. Although we know that, because of our faults, we do not deserve what we ask for, we beg you nevertheless to answer our prayers. Amen."

Yemaya is a magnificent aspect of the Divine Mother. She is primarily considered an African-Brazilian Goddess; yet she has followed her people to many far and distant ports. She has found a home on a variety of Caribbean Islands, including Cuba, Haiti, Trinidad, and in Central, South and North America, and she has certainly found a home in my heart, here in Huntington Beach, California! Yemaya was originally the Ogun River Goddess of the Yoruba in Nigeria. In Africa, known as Mama Watta, Mother of Water, she was considered the source of all water, the source of all life and was prayed to for fertility and for aid with childbirth. Yemaya traveled with her people on the slave ships, comforting them during their forced migration to the New World. Through this passage her role expanded to Mother Ocean, she evolved and adapted to support the needs and changes of her children.

 Today Yemaya is known by many names, Mother of Pearls, Mother Ocean, Stella Maris (Star of the Sea), Yeyé Omo Eja, which means Mother Whose Children Are the Fish, Mother of Dreams, Mother of Water, Mother of All, to name just a few. In Brazil, some of her followers consider Yemaya as a savior for having protected their ancestors during their voyage from Africa and honor her as their national goddess. In Haiti she is Agwe, Mother of the Sea, in Haitian Vodou, she is a Moon Goddess aligned with protecting mothers and children, in Trinidad she is a River Goddess and in New Orleans she is called La Balianne. 

Goddess Yemaya’s domain is water, rivers, and what is often considered the birthplace of all of life on earth - the oceans and the seas. She is specifically associated with the upper part of the ocean, which contains the most life. Her first gift was a shell so that her people would always be able to hear her voice. Her name Mother Whose Children are the Fish, denotes that her children are countless and further relates her infinite and all encompassing life giving aspect. Her symbols and associations include, the sea/ocean, rivers and all bodies of water, the six-pointed star, pearls, cowrie shells, mother of pearl, sea shells, silver, Mother Mary, mermaids, the full moon, the crescent moon, white flowers, the number 7, and the colors blue and white. Yemaya is typically depicted as a mermaid or as a beautiful woman emerging from the sea - often with pearls pouring from her palms. She is sometimes referenced as wearing seven skirts of blue and white.

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Mother Of The Waters

Mami Wata or Mami, is the known as the self- created divine source of wisdom.From the primordial waters it is she who brought forth the pantheon of spirits known by the Ewe in West Africa as Vodoun. The word Vodoun is simply means "spirit" or "God".Although she has been worshipped in many different cultures throughout history, the origins of her reverence began with the first man and woman in Africa- the cradle of civilization. It is said amongst her followers there that it is said,there are no new religions but in fact, simply translations of the divine truth of Mami/ISIS. Mami Wata also know as Mami ISIS is the divine logos, the firmament on which creation exists.The ancient traditions say that it was Mami Wata that would manifest to the African people as a water deities choosing to take on feminine or masculine features at will. It was through these manifestations that these civilizations were thought survival skills such as hunting, gathering,and order.There are many mysteries that stem from these beliefs. The dogon of Mali speak of a similar origins where the creation of the world was formed by mermen/mermaid like creatures. In Ancient Syria, Babylon, Mesopotamia,Nubia, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Crete, Minoa, and as far as the East Asian continents there are similar descriptions of half-human/fish spirits such as Dagon, Aruru,Athena, Kore, Onnaes, Atergatis, Minerva, Poseidon, Tiamat, the Original Isis, Cybele, Ishtar, Ea, Vishnu, Siva, Inanna, and Triton just to name a few. In her temples Mami was often depicted as the triple headed Goddess relating to Fertility, Harvest, and Decay/ Creator,preserver, and destroyer.…/Life-as-a-Mami-Wata-C…

Monday, June 8, 2015


Teaching, for the first time, the famous Andrew Carnegie formula for money-making, based upon the THIRTEEN PROVEN STEPS TO RICHES. Organized through 25 years of research, in collaboration with more than 500 distinguished men of great wealth, who proved by their own achievements that this philosophy is practical.

Table of Contents:
1. Author's Preface
2. Introduction
3. Three Feet From Gold
4. A Fifty-Cent Lesson In Persistence
5. Desire - The First Step toward Riches
6. Desire Outwits Mother Nature
7. Faith - The Second Step toward Riches
8. Self-Confidence Formula
9. The Power of an Idea
10. Auto-Suggestion - The Third Step toward Riches
11. Summary of Instructions
12. Specialized Knowledge - The Fourth Step Toward Riches
13. Lack of Ambition
14. Imagination - The Fifth Step toward Riches
15. How To Make Practical Use Of Imagination
16. What Would I Do If I Had A Million Dollars
17. Organized Planning - The Sixth Step Toward Riches
18. When And How To Apply For A Position
19. The Capital Value Of Your Services
20. Take Inventory Of Yourself
21. The "Miracle" That Has Provided These Blessings
22. Decision - The Seventh Step Toward Riches
23. Power
24. The Sustained Effort Necessary To Induce Faith
25. Symptoms Of Lack Of Persistence
26. How To Develop Persistence
27. Power - The Ninth Step toward Riches
28. Transmutation - The Tenth Step Toward Riches
29. Why Men Seldom Succeed Before Forty
30. The Subconscious Mind - The Eleventh Step Toward Riches
31. Emotion
32. The Brain - The Twelfth Step Toward Riches
33. The Dramatic Story Of The Brain
34. The Sixth Sense - The Thirteenth Step Toward Riches
35. Building Character Through Auto-Suggestion
36. How To Outwit The Six Ghosts Of Fear
37. The Fear Of Criticism
38. Old Man Worry
39. Self-Analysis Test Questions
40. "Fifty-Seven" Famous Alibis

(This text is in the public domain in the United States under the terms of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act because it was published between 1923 and 1964 inclusive, and not renewed at the US Copyright office in a timely fashion.)