Monday, November 30, 2015

Karma and Rebound Laws

In this video Oseaana talks about the concepts of rebound laws such as karma, 3 fold law, 10 fold law, and universal law as well as spells coming back at you, backfiring, or just not working.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Money Blessing wash for your doors and floors

This powerful energy shifting wash is made to attract the energy of oshun. It's made with watercress, water and honey

Friday, November 27, 2015

Spirits Don't Ask for Credentials or Paperwork

Have you ever had a spirit ask you to present your certificate of initiation to them before they agree to work with you? I am just curious, because there are some folks saying That you must have these papers for the spirits to work with you! If you are not religious and only practice magick, you can do as you please!

Success, Prosperity, & Wealth (Whispered over 5000x's) .

Listen to this affirmation whenever you can, as often as you can. The subconscious mind is always listening and recording. If you want a prosperity mindset, you have to create one! 

Saturday, November 21, 2015

The Sound of Prosperity

"I found a number of planetary vibratory frequencies that correspond to the energy of a particular planet. Each of these frequencies have ancient and long standing associations with the planets. The problem is, how does one generate these specific frequencies, filter them of negative effects, and record them without repetitive sampling error.

The very real possibility of the planets creating physical effects is the bread and butter of astrology. They have claimed for a very long time that various parts of anatomy and even illnesses were associated with various parts of the solar system. So various specific illnesses, body parts would correspond in a sympathetic way to what was happening with the planets in our celestial environment.

Many disease conditions have been treatable via herbs associated with specific astrological energies. If herbs have some form of this vibrational planetary energy in them, what would happen if we introduce this pure sound wave into the body? Enter therapeutic planetary energy.

These recordings are the result of years of study. I have discovered a way to isolate the specific frequencies associated with the various planets that exist around us. I have also discovered a way to filter the planetary energies for their positive effects and record them in a smooth, pleasant manner devoid of repetitive recording noise or error.

I have been using these energies for a year. Their effects are nothing short of phenomenal. Over the next few weeks, we will release a number of recording related to this new technology. The first three recording produced by this technology are related to the energy of the three most positive and beneficial energies in the sky; the Sun, Jupiter, and Venus.

The Sound of Prosperity combines the unique signature of the planet Jupiter onto an audio CD. If you have difficulty with money, repetitive debt issues, keeping a job etc., you might be low on Jupiter energy. 
Listening to the Sound of Prosperity will strengthen the energy of Jupiter in your body and in many ways, begin the process of healing the prosperity illness that plagues the lives of millions."

Friday, November 13, 2015

Home Remedies For Migraine - Headache

Migraine is a neurological disease characterized by recurrent moderate to severe headaches often in association with a number of autonomic nervous system symptoms. The word is derived from the Greek ἡμικρανία (hemikrania), "pain on one side of the head", from ἡμι- (hemi-), "half", and κρανίον (kranion), "skull".


Check out more health videos at Freezframefilms's Channel & do Subscribe

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

LAKSHMI MANTRA [ 108 Repetitions ] - Powerful Mantra for Prosperity


ॐ ह्रीं श्रीं लक्ष्मीभयो नमः॥
Om Hreem Shreem Lakshmibhayo Namah॥

Shreem is the Seed Sound of Goddess Lakshmi. Reciting this sound and the Mantra will bring Mother lakshmi’s blessings in the form of peace, prosperity and harmony. 

FREE DOWNLOAD → Special collection of beautifully engineered Cosmic Chants for 7 Chakras ideal for your Meditation and yoga Practice . Link 

11:11 Double Master Gateway Ritual

11:11 TODAY is a grand opportunity to perform a very rewarding ritual. Please watch closely. Enjoy and share.

Gano Grills is a WORLD CLASS Spiritual Advisor and Teacher to many who are seeking enlightenment as well as the Teachers who guide others. The CREATOR of all is and endless enigma that no one person has all the answers to. Yet we strive to reach a better World for our descendants and bliss for ourselves.

You may order a Spiritual consultation from Gano Grills at call 212-604-4446

NOVEMBER22nd , Will be the next ALTAR Workshop, in Fayetteville North Carolina. Please lock in your seat at

The NEXT Kundalini Reiki masters Initiation will be in NYC. 12/12/2015. Secure your space at

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You can read Testimonies of Gano Grills that have resulted in people from all around the world benefiting from Ganos unique ability heal old out dated thought patterns and refreshingly create new neuro pathways in the consciousness that are life changing . Many miracles have also been a result of Ganos interaction with the!testimon...

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Monday, November 9, 2015

A Winter Of Crows...

 a winter of crows

In this debut collection of poetry, the author presents time as a rite of passage, where all matter of existence bears lessons for all. A speck of time. The joy of life. The sorrow of death.

"There is pain in her honesty that goes beyond the words written in these pages. On more than one occasion this little book made me question where I have been and where i’m going. It’s a heartfelt collection of poems composed in a great time of change that i’m sure will have a positive effect on your life"

American Vanishings


Ayurvedic Healing Recipes

Ayurveda, the five thousand-year-old healing tradition from India linked to the development of yoga, is based on the concept that one's physical, mental, and spiritual well-being comes from a number of sources, including a healthful diet based on one's individual constitution. In this vegetarian cookbook, Amrita Sondhi, author of The Modern Ayurvedic Cookbook (now in its fourth printing), provides new twists on traditional Ayurvedic recipes that are also inspired by the growing popularity of whole grains (quinoa, spelt, and barley) and raw foods.

The Ayurvedic diet is based on the concept of three "doshas": vata (air), pitta (fire), and kapha (earth). Each of us has a primary dosha that we can strive to maintain at a healthy balance, but which can cause problems if excessive. The book includes a questionnaire so readers can determine their own primary dosha and then look for recipes that will help them to maintain or reduce it for optimal health.

Recipes include modern interpretations of Indian cuisine (spicy paneer zucchini kabobs and mango and coconut kulfi), and Ayurvedic spins on vegetarian fare (sprouted barley rainbow pilaf and raw zucchini hummus). The book also includes yoga and breathing exercises that one can easily do at home or at work, full-color recipe photos, and information on sprouting/fermenting techniques and backyard gardening.

 The Tastes of Ayurveda offers simple and delicious ways to achieve a more healthful and serene life.

About the Author
Amrita Sondhi is a certified yoga instructor and Ayurvedic cooking teacher, and owner of Movement (, a cutting-edge clothing line specializing in sustainable fibers. Currently she is co-host of The Ayurvedic Way, a television program broadcast in Canada on One: The Body, Mind and Spirit Channel. She lives on Bowen Island, British Columbia, Canada. Visit her website for more

Table of Contents
Introduction History of Ayurveda
What are Doshas? Dosha Questionnaire The Tastes of Ayurveda Getting Started
What the Symbols Mean
Appetizers & Snacks
Salads & Salad Dressings
Entrées Rice & Grains
Desserts & Sweets
Raw & Living Foods Eating for the Seasons Menu Plans Cleanses Yoga for the Doshas Vastu Veda: The Song of Our Surroundings Balcony Gardening Food Guidelines for Basic Constitutional Types

The Tibetan Book Of The Dead

The Liberation Through Hearing During the Intermediate State (Standard Tibetanbar do "liminality" or "threshold"; thos grol "liberation"), sometimes translated as Liberation Through Hearing or transliterated asBardo Thodol, is a funerary text. It is often referred to in the West by the more casual title, Tibetan Book of the Dead, a name which draws a parallel with the ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead, another funerary text.
The Tibetan text describes, and is intended to guide one through, the experiences that the consciousness has after death, during the interval between death and the next rebirth. This interval is known in Tibetan as thebardo. The text also includes chapters on the signs of death, and rituals to undertake when death is closing in, or has taken place. It is the most internationally famous and widespread work of Tibetan Nyingma literature.However, it is virtually unknown in Tibet

What Is Fucoidan?

Powerful Support for the Immune System
- Powerful Natural Anti-Inflammatory Agent

- Stimulates Stem-Cell Growth to support the body's natural repair process!

Sunday, November 8, 2015

The Golden Berry Plant - South American Superfood

The golden berry plant is a unique South American fruit species native to areas of Peru, Ecuador and Colombia. Producing shiny orange-yellow fruit the size of a marble, golden berries are a now popular dried superfruit known for their higher amounts of antioxidants and other distinct plant compounds. Also called cape gooseberries, Incan berries or groundcherries, they contain certain carotenoids, withanolides and polyphenols well researched for their immune modulating and anti-inflammatory attributes.

Sunfood Golden Berries, 12(2oz)/Case, Organic, Raw -
Sunfood Golden Berries, 8oz, Organic -
Live Superfoods Incan Goldenberries, Organic, 12 oz -
Navitas Naturals Organic Goldenberries, 8-Ounce Pouches (Pack of 2) -
Certified Organic Incan Berries, Raw Food World,16oz -
Goldenberry, Peruvian (Physalis peruviana), Packet of 100 seeds, Organic -

Golden Berry Plant Page:
Lemon Bar Recipe:
Orange Golden Berry Raw Chocolate Recipe:

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Deep Sleep Healing Meditation Music for Insomnia

Sleep Meditation Music for Insomnia : Healing Meditation for 7 Chakras, Sleeping Music, Deep Sleep Music

We Recommend that you use this Sleep Meditation Music during your sleep at night but you can also use it as background music. This track lasts for little more than 8 hours and music has been designed to simulate and heal our 7 Chakras (Energy Centers) in the body. The frequencies are a combination of Sacred Solfeggio Frequencies for Chakras and based on the Indian Classical Raagas for Each Chakra. Helps in Insomnia caused by blockage of chakras

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Gano teaches about the power of Altars, Ancestor Money, and the Cosmic beacon at the Altar workshop in New York City.

Gano Grills is a WORLD CLASS Spiritual Advisor and Teacher to many who are seeking enlightenment as well as the Teachers who guide others. The CREATOR of all is and endless enigma that no one person has all the answers to. Yet we strive to reach a better World for our descendants and bliss for ourselves.

You may order a Spiritual consultation from Gano Grills at call 212-604-4446

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Secret World Of Plants

The secret world of plants gets us closer to these motionless and quiet creatures, so attractive and surprising as the rest of the living creatures. The documentary reveals the most unknown aspects of the vegetable kingdom. We will learn about the secret of the eternal youth of a 3500 years old sequoia and be charmed by the 'rafflesia arnoldi' flowers, able to reach up to one meter of diameter. An exhaustive journey through the world of plants, from its domain over humid areas in mangrove covers, where they are able to live inside the water, to the most arid spots, conquered by the 'Welwitzia mirabilis', whose leaves reach up to six meter length

Ancient Candle Burning Rituals


A New Guide To An Ancient Art

Amazing book shows you how to get fast and powerful results from burning candles!
Just by burning a candle and saying the words in this book you can have whatever you wish!
Here is a candle burning unlike any other - a book which can be used by Christians, Jews, Muslims, or those of any other faith. A book with instructions so simple that a child can follow: a book which shows how to get fast and powerful results from burning ordinary candles from your super-market.

No incenses or exotic, hard-to-get herbs are required for these rituals!
No such rituals have ever been this easy, and yet produce such astounding results!
Any person you desire can be yours automatically - with these candle burning rituals!
You can get all the money you need automatically - with these rituals!
You can automatically gain control of an unjust person - with these rituals!
You can automatically stop another person's gossip or slander - with these rituals!
You can make a lover come back to you automatically - with these rituals!
These candle burnig rituals take only minutes to perform. They get results because the book shows you the right times and right words for enlisting the help of the Great Benefic Forces of The Cosmos.
This is unlike any other such book: because its instructions have been tried and tested over and over again with many people by its authors , the New Age Fellowship!
Read how these powerful candle rituals have helped these people: (photo-copies of actual letters available on request).
"I was heartbroken when my boyfriend was seeing another woman. I knew she would bring him no good. So I performed the ritual called 'to break up another's love affair' and I was overjoyed when it worked!" (K.B. Manchester)
"It looked as if my son was gonna get sent down for 5 years. The evidence was stacked against him, and it seemed a foregone conclusion the jury would find him guilty. It was then God led me to your book. I performed the ritual 'To get a legal decision in your favour'. I couldn't believe it - the jury returned a 'not guilty' verdict!" (B.D. Boston)
"My life was a mess. I had got into a business partnership which turned into a nightmare. My so called 'partner' was no better than a crook. He had lied to me about what was really going on. We owed people money all over the place. So I tried the ritual 'To extricate yourself from a matter you regret having become involved in'. It was the answer to my prayers. Immediately my partners attitude changed, and he even offered to buy out my share. I sold out and even made money on the deal. I can't thank you enough - that ritual saved me!" (J.B. Birmingham)
The New Age Fellowship was founded to research and make public candle burning rituals which really work. They found there was a method which made them work; and this method, applied correctly, was unfailing.
It doesn't matter how many times before you have lit a candle and got no result. WITH THIS BOOK'S RITUAL YOU WILL NOT FAIL.
This book reveals the secrets of past spiritual masters for taking dynamic control of your life!
There are no difficult to pronounce words. No special clothing is required. No herbs. No Incenses. No equipment of any kind - only ordinary candles from your local super-market!
You will know the very moment you open this book and read the special words that here - at last - are candle rituals that can help you. And you will know immediately your candle is lit that help is on the way!
But these special rituals bring more than just 'help' for your problems. They can bring you a life of uninterrupted good fortune and luxury!
LET NO-ONE EVER TELL YOU THAT GOD AND HIS SERVANTS WANTED YOU TO BE POOR AND UNHAPPY. With this amazing book you are shown how you can banish bad luck out of your life forever.
You will be able to get money whenever you need it - seemingly "miraculously". It is all a question of burning your candle at the right time with the right words. You will BE ASTOUNDED AT THE FAST RESULTS!
God moves "in mysterious ways", so the Bible says, and things which once seemed impossible become common place, once you begin using these unique rituals on a regular basis!
Just think of it - money whenever you need it. Just think of it - the power to make someone want you. Just think of it - the power to influence people to do what you want.
These amazing candle buring rituals give you that power!
But how? Spiritual adepts believe that when a candle is lit a light also appears in the Unseen World. And when that candle is lit at the right time, for example, on a Friday if you need money, the Unseen World automatically vibrates to your wishes for money.
Then speak the correct words given in ths book, and the Unseen World IS READY TO MANIFEST YOUR DESIRE!
These amazing candle burning rituals are working for many satisfied people.
80 guarenteed-to-work rituals in this amazing book! Some of the rituals are:
* A complete change of luck, and a flow of endless blessings.
* Winning contests, lotteries, gambling.
* To reconcile a broken friendship.
* To turn an enemy into a friend.
* To save a failing marriage.
* To bring peace in the home.
* To arouse sexual desire in someone.
* Protection from injury and sudden death.
* For improved concentration in studies and pass exams.
* To remove guilt feelings.
* To obtain a job promotion.
* To overcome lustful feelings.
* To develop psychic powers.
* Overcoming feelings of hate.
* To boost self-confidence.
* To get a job.
* To overcome a bad habit.
* To improve business and get more costomers.
* To acquire inner peace.
* To ease the loss of love.
* To develop musical talent.
* To overcome depression.
* A miraculous answer to an oppressing situation.
* To forget the past.
* The wisdom to make the right decision in an important matter.
* To overcome an oppressive landlord.
* To reverse unfair dismissal.
* Overcoming an unyielding enemy.
* To influence a powerfull person.
* To remove a curse.
* For a safe air trip.
... and many more, including rituals for health problems, infertility, etc.
P.P. (Richmond) wrote: " I have tried so many candle burning books without success - this is the only one to help me".
J.G. (Toronto) wrote: "How can I thank you? I don't know where to begin. I have used your candle ritual every time before going out to play bingo - and have won prizes 4 times out of 5! Used you candle rite for my mother who won $5000 lottery prize!... And just before writing this i've done a ritual for a new auto - I just know it's going to work!... May God bless you!.
A.K. (Bristol) wrote: "I have never had my prayers answered so I can't believe my luck. After years of trying to get my songs publishes I received my very first acceptance one week after I got your book! I am astonished!"
O.J. (Washington) wrote: " I was sceptical, but after trying the ritual to get my lover back I became a believer! She called me the next day and begged my forgiveness! This stuff works!".
These, and many other testimonials demonstrate the amazing results to be obtained from these unique candle burning rituals. FOR WHATEVER YOU NEED OR WANT JUST LIGHT A CANDLE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS WHITE MAGIC BOOK'S INSTRUCTIONS AND YOU WILL RECEIVE HELP! GUARANTEED!
Ancient Art