Friday, March 25, 2016

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Erase Unwanted Visual Memories...

Do you have lingering bad visual memories/images of events witnessed, seen, or experienced that you want to energetically erase from your minds eye or energy field? Caroline Jalango shares a simple energetic tool she uses to clear out unwanted visual images that are stuck in her minds eye. This tool is "the Spiral Symbol with a downward pointing tail...that directs unwanted stuck visual energy to the earth for transmutation into light and love. Spirals are common symbols and can be used in many ways...but this specific one has a specific purpose and a specific direction for moving unwanted energy. Gaia/The earths loving energy helps us transmute/ erase/ remove the visual imprints of unwanted images/ negative memories and impressions which we are now consciously choosing to forget. We are so loved and supported and everything is here to assist us to remember who we are and emerge and live as the powerful loving light beings we are! 
We Are LOVE!!! We are LOVED! WE LOVE!!! New Earth is here! Raise your vibration! Raise Your Frequency! Enjoy 5D earth and Life! Be in the Now! Create the Life you Want! Wake up! Ascend! It's a beautiful Life!

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Legend Of The Witches

The historical origins of witchcraft in moon-worship and the witches’ legend of creation; initiation rites undergone by the modern witches' divination by birds and animals; Christianity’s absorption of pagan rites; revenge killing; the Black Mass; Cecil Williamson's Museum of Witchcraft in Cornwall; investigations into the efficacy of witchcraft; extra-sensory perception; foretelling the future. Featuring the only footage in existence of the infamous "King of Wicca," Alex Sanders, who uses this documentary to guide us through his coven. By then, Sanders had been endorsed by a group of 1,623 practicing Wiccans as "King of the Witches" (with his wife Maxine as "Witch Queen") and turned into a media celebrity. There were television appearances, late-night talks on radio, a sympathetic biography, record albums of his rituals and this film, LEGEND OF THE WITCHES, based on his exploits. These were said to include healing people of warts by "wishing them on someone else, who's already ugly." Another woman was supposedly cured of cancer by Sanders sitting with her in the hospital for three days and nights, holding her feet and pouring "healing energy" into her. Sanders and Maxine parted in 1973 and he drifted into semi-retirement before moving to Bexhill in East Sussex (where he died in 1988). Like Gardner, his legacy was his own tradition of ritual and belief within the Wicca movement, dubbed "Alexandrian" in a play on his first name.

Friday, March 4, 2016

People from your past do they belong in your current reality

People from your past; do they belong in your current reality. Sonia explores what it means to go digging for people from our past. She discusses the relevance of those in our current reality as they help us to play out our stories. Are the characters those from our past relevant in our current story?