Thursday, May 26, 2016

Papa Legba Haitian Meditation Music - Powerful

Papa Legba is a mighty Loa (God) from the New Orleans and Haitian Vodou Traditions. He 
is seen as an elderly black man with a cane, wearing a straw hat and either smoking a pipe or
sprinkling water upon the ground. He is sometimes accompanied by a black dog or a rooster.
His colors are black and red and his number is 3. His day of the week is Monday and he is 
associated with St. Lazarus and St. Peter. Papa Legba governs over choice and the paths that 
we all walk. He presents us with opportunities and also tests our progress with challenges as 
we travel through earth life. This responsibility has given him the title of being the ultimate 
trickster god.  He challenges us to step out of ourselves and to examine the habits and beliefs
that we identify with. The choice is to either examine our lives or continue to fail the tests that 
Papa Legba sends to us over and over again. To Papa Legba, choice is of the utmost 
importance for it is choice that displays the maturity of the heart and mind.

Papa Legba is one of the very oldest Loa and has been around since the beginning of time. He 
has seen everything which is why he is the Master Story Teller and the keeper of man’s 
history. He is like the Kemetic/Egyptian record keeping God Tehuti in this light for he has an 
unimaginable amount of data stored in his memory. He is the griot with the tales of heroes and 
the origins of all things. He can speak these stories to anyone on the planet for he is King of 
all linguists and therefore knows all languages.  

He is an honored Orisha called Elegba in the Ifa and Santeria traditions. Elegba is a much 
younger version of Papa Legba who is depicted with hair braided into a phallic style and an 
erect penis symbolizing his insatiable nature (In Benin he is often depicted with horns on his 
head). Young Elegba is always moving, experimenting and causing all kinds of mischief. 
Many are confused by Elegba who is also known to cause chaos and then also become the 
primary force who aids man in organizing the chaos and restore peace. The mischief that 
Elegba causes is nothing compared to the version of him known as Eshu (or Exu) who is only 
fit for the wild.

As gatekeeper, Papa Legba opens and closes all ceremonies. Communication with the other 
Gods can’t even occur until He is consulted because Papa Legba is the Hoodoo Man who 
holds the keys to the doors between the physical and spiritual realms. Papa Legba is the 
knowledgeable sorcerer with keys to understanding the secrets of astral travel, banishing and
dealing effectively with beings of the unseen. Papa Legba is found at any crossroads. This is 
where two roads meet and also a place where the physical realm and spiritual realm meet. He
directs the traffic flow at this place. He is the alchemist taking what is left at his feet and 
transmuting it into something useful. You can come to him at the crossroads and leave sorrow, 
ritual remains, left over spiritual bath water, a haunted object, or anything and he will send it
where it needs to go. There are also tales of people going to the crossroads to receive gifts 
and talents such as dance ability, more luck in gambling and better skill on guitar.  

“If you want to learn how to make songs yourself, you take your guitar and your go to where
the road crosses that way, where a crossroads is. Get there be sure to get there just a little ' 
fore 12 that night so you know you'll be there. You have your guitar and be playing a piece 
there by yourself ... A big black man will walk up there and take your guitar and he'll tune it.
And then he'll play a piece and hand it back to you. That's the way I learned to play anything I 
want." --Tommy Johnson

Offerings to Papa Legba include candy, rum, tobacco, bananas, black coffee, grilled chicken 
or palm oil. Many people who work with Papa Legba place an image of him behind their 
front doors to clear negative energy and to attract opportunity. A popular prayer to Papa 
Legba is “Odu Legba, Papa Legba, Open the Door, Your Children are waiting. Papa Legba, 
Open the door, your children awaits!”


Smudging the home and house clearing

When you are done smudging your home and yourself open all doors and windows to let negative matter out. keep them open for several minutes to up to an hour or until you feel the house cleared. Make sure to keep your house clean of clutter and or extra material possesions and furniture that is not nesessary for living a healthy and simple life.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Race Entanglement and The Wheel of Karma

There is of course One race, the human race. In this video we will explore the illusion of race in order to expose our own inner division. By acknowledging old beliefs and perceptions for what they are, we are that much closer to true liberation from the cycles of time.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Creating Sacred Spaces

1. Convert an attic or guest room or simply create a corner or window seat in your living area that is dedicated to self-nourishment. A space that you deem “sacred” immediately sets the tone for going inward.

2. Hang a screen, beads, or billowy curtain to emphasize the importance of the environment as a place of solitude. This sacred space can be used to receive inner guidance and knowledge as well as to write, draw, paint, chant, play an instrument, or simply listen to birds sing outside.

3. To set the mood for contemplation, meditation, or prayer, place pillows on the floor or find a comfortable chair that supports your back.

4. Set up an altar with spiritual objects to bring in the energy of spirituality. Each object can be placed with an intention for going deep within your heart and soul.

5. Creating an altar can be as simple as draping a small table with a special fabric. On top of the table, place items such as a scented candle, incense burner, essential oil diffuser, or natural objects like rocks and seashells that bring in the earth element. You can place a symbol of your religion or spiritual practice as well.

6. Add plants and flowers for energy, color and increased oxygen. Lavender and purple symbolize spirituality, pink opens the heart, green brings in nature’s balance and yellow stimulates health.

7. Hang pictures of gardens, mountains, spiritual teachers, angels, or mentors to impart a feeling of peace and harmony.

8. Soft music and an insightful book will offer you inspiration. Spiritual poetry from mystics such as Rumi can be a gateway into divine contemplation.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

How To Set Up An Alter For Mama Oshun & Papa Legba..

Details on how to set up an alter for both Oshun, the goddess of beauty, abundance, attraction and love and Legba, the one who rules the roads and communication to the Spirit Realm! Receive clarity on specific offerings to that will be well accepted.. Watch Now!!!!

Does Magick Work On Someone Who Does Not Believe???

Will magick work on someone who does not believe in it? How do you get someone to believe and also when to talk about magick and when not to talk about magick you are doing! Don't Forget to check out the movie The Skeleton Key! check out the trailer here

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Speaking Without Sin and The Effect Of Black Magic

Words and wisdom being shared from the the book The Four Agreements, the guide to ultimate freedom.. Learning how to reverse your negative words and use nothing but positivity to cleanse you from emotional poison...