Saturday, December 17, 2016

Ever Had A Orgasm?

Have You Ever Had an Orgasm? is the ultimate guide to reclaiming your feminine power and being a fully empowered and orgasmic woman that creates magic and miracles at her whim. It is your birthright to be a happy, healthy, and sexually fulfilled woman and this book provides you with the tools and information you need to manifest this birthright. Over 78 percent of women today are non-orgasmic and even more suffer from low self-worth/negative self-image, unfulfilling relationships, limiting beliefs, and negative emotional trauma. In the midst of all this, women have lost their feminine power and nature and their sense of passion and purpose. This book teaches women how to transform the lack that they are experiencing into abundance and bliss! In order to be an abundant and happy woman, you must be orgasmic, accept your sexuality, and recognize and embrace the power of being feminine. Have You Ever Had an Orgasm? provides you with the down to earth information you need on how to do this. In this book you will learn: • How to create the life you desire through orgasm • The reasons why you are non-orgasmic and unable to experience the joy of ecstasy and how to holistically overcome them • The power of being feminine and how to tap into femininity so you have more bliss and powerful orgasms • How to attract your ideal man and teach him how to be a virile lover that can take you to new orgasmic heights • Tools and tips to having multiple earth shaking orgasms...
Get The Book@


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Indoctrinated:Stealing Your Free Will

Are those your thoughts?
Are you being indoctrinated?
Is someone tampering with your Free Will?

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Friday, December 9, 2016

What Frequency Are You Vibrating??


Ms Masta Foxx "The Energy Whisperer" is an Energy Guide/Balancer. She assists in balancing energies, within people, plants, animals and things. 
She also specializes in "Energy Therapy" & is a Kinesiologist. 
She has a program & online radio show called "Mind Fit". 
She leads the Mind fitness portion of Fit OverDrive.

 Contact Info 
Tribe Of Higher Consciousness Founders:
 Ms Masta foxx & ms whizdom 

Phone: +1.3233743013 Email: 


Did You Know That Nature Has Natural Healing Vibrations? 

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Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Outwitting the Devil

Outwitting the Devil is a book by Napoleon Hill, with annotations by Sharon Lechter. It was originally written in 1938 by Hill, but was said to be too controversial to be published during that time period. It was released by Sterling Publishing in June.

"At its core, Outwitting the Devil is a cleverly wrapped anecdote for the inner and external conflicts, influences and temptations each person will face throughout their life. Whether you find Hill's interview with the Devil fact or mere fiction, the lessons learned within, skillfully illustrated to illuminate and inspire, hold real value in outwitting your own devils and creating a successful life."

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Crystal Healing & Shamanic Dreaming

Ashante Tae Queen is a holistic lifestyle expert assisting conscious minded individuals with creating innovative and practical ways to live a healthier life. 
If you want to purchase your own black tourmaline pendant as mentioned in this video follow the link below↡↡↡

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Are We Cogs In The Machine -Time To Wake Up

Time To Wake Up
I have learned that in complete silence, you can absorb the most useful information from the universe. 
Physical silence and mental silence and spiritual silence
Just be still 
All of your opinions and bias melt away 
We are better able to listen to one another 
Love is the easiest task made so difficult 
Some of us cannot love purely because we are uncomfortable with things within ourselves Everything we dislike or that we find scary most likely stems from a self-reflective insecurity or void. 
There can be no peace if we continue to do the things that make us unhappy There can be no peace if we continue to place our happiness in the hands of other people. There will be no peace without love. 
Every day I am able to observe something new in my surroundings, I am able to soften my ideals about groups of people In doing this, I am able to love a little deeper, become a lot more understanding and a tad more tolerant, a sliver more selfless and overall more respectful to the inter connecting lives of all human people. 
Each day I wish to strip off another layer of ignorance 
Tear away another layer of prejudice 
To open my heart up to all that are willing to reciprocate the goodness in living and caring for one another 
The root of nearly every situation of conflict... 
Is carelessness
Carelessness of thought 
Carelessness in consideration 
Carelessness of all consequences for all people 
I wish for the inclusion of all people 
That no one feels isolated 
That everyone can be their true selves without the threat of being ostracized 
First We must all take responsibility for the negligence 
Show everyone that there is a better way to live 
That OUR own perspectives cannot be used to grasp someone else’s existence
We must meet people where they stand before society is able to do better 
We must all heal first as individuals 
Because individuals make up a society 
So go within 
Go inside Of yourselves 

Earth Angel Diandra Rose 

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