Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Kundalini The Connect

- is one of the most underutilized energies for manifesting prosperity. This energy when focused correctly can be used to bring love, light, prosperity and even Spirit into your life. Kundalini is the sacred life force of ethereal fire within you that moves through your chakra system. When you channel Kundalini, you can imbue power into your manifestation of desires. Remember that prosperity is an energy itself and the energy of Kundalini can be converted into the energy of prosperity in reality.
The physical dimensional planes were first constructed in order to give us p a single moment of awareness. Prior to this, God and We (as an extension of our creator,) experienced all things in totality. The physical planes with their time and space qualities, gave God, as well as all other souls, an opportunity to experience a single moment, of anything. When we look at a blooming rose, we see the beauty of it in that single moment instead of experiencing all it ever was, all it is and all it will ever be.
What a gift. How excited souls were to first experience this wonderful gift. Souls found that incarnating on physical planes, also gave them a rare opportunity to isolate and engage their spiritual growth, learning and experience. It was never conceived by our creator that our free will, so generously given, would extend to harming or hurting one another. In God, there is no consciousness of sin. There is only perfection. We are all here to experience who we really are in this world. Who we really are is God in form.
Soon souls got lost in the wheel of Karma, and forgot who they were, lifetime after lifetime of paying debts. Yet man was never supposed to experience physical life detached from their source. God did give us free will, but God never sent souls to the physical plane without a lifeline. We are always connected to God, The Source, even though we may lose awareness of that connection. Being more connected to God means being more aware. Gaining awareness is the path of spirituality and life progress.
Just as a baby is first connected to and nourished by his mother through the umbilical, each soul is connected to their creator through a similar energy cord, which raises the Kundalini, and can be just as nourishing. Kundalini is your life-blood connection to the creation of your physical experience. Without it, you wander through physical reality a victim, instead of a creator of your own destiny. You create your reality with the power of Kundalini. It is the Source Energy from which all things flow and consist.
The fact that sex is such an electrical surge of energy, both inwardly and outwardly, should be of some note. How could anyone not realize that all the energy expelled during sex actually had another purpose other than release? You can use sexual energy to create magic in your life. Kundalini is sexual energy. It is the driving force of all life and achievement. It is what motivates us to be, do and have anything we desire. All successful people have their sexual energy channeled in some way towards goals.
Electrical magnetism, and that which creates physical attraction, is the pull of your Kundalini Energy. How sad is it that many people on the planet spend their entire sexual experiences, and their lives, without ever raising their Chi, or without ever touching the divine. Kundalini Energy is meant to be used as a pass key to Heaven. It is the method to reconnect with our creator. Spiritual energy and sexual energy are actually the same energy in different slightly different forms. More of it means more of life.
The huge burst of energy expelled during sex, is electromagnetically charged enough to pass through the spiritual planes, connect with your higher self and on a very real level, plan the remainder of your life. People with a desire for life are the ones that thrive and have a future. Those who lose their sexual drive are the ones that lose further grip on life and all that it contains. The key to living life to the fullest and attaining your dreams and desires is to enjoy living and doing what you love. Life attracts more life.
When you learn to raise this energy with a sex partner, it takes it to a whole new level, and can be a very powerful manifesting tool, by attaching a thought to the energy just before its release, or just before you orgasm. The Druids called this Sex Magic, and it can be very powerful, especially if you and your partner attach the same thought. Your thoughts have power to manifest when they are clothed with emotion. Kundalini, sexual energy, desire and life force are one. Use this with along with intent.
It is also possible to raise it through meditation, without a partner and without sex. When the pathways along your spine are clear and the Kundalini can move through your body, without being blocked, health quickly follows. To do this, you need to remove emotional blockages that prevent the energy from flowing freely through you. Every blockage in each of the centers prevent energy from flowing freely to the other centers. The aim is to create space. Space is the primary requisite for building power.
In addition, when you raise the Kundalini, you connect both with your over soul, your creator and your soul mate. This energy heals the connections with each of the above, and brings a joining of all of these parts of you. There is no better way to bring a soul mate into your life! Also, if you can raise your Kundalini, you most likely will be broadcasting it on a subconscious level, and find you suddenly become very much in demand with the others. This is the pull of Kundalini. It is attraction energy.
( Enough Tan- Kundalini Energy for Manifestation of Intention)