Saturday, September 20, 2014


The history of numerology is somewhat cloudy with no definite answer as to where it first originated. Egypt and Babylon are recognized as the earliest recorded history of numerology by the majority of numerologists. It was here that the Chaldean system was developed under the influence of the Hebrews. There is also evidence of the use of numerology thousands of years ago in China, Rome, Japan and Greece. The credit for modern numerology, however, is most often given to the Greek philosopher Pythagoras.
Dr. Julia Stenton is credited both with raising awareness of Numerology in modern times in many parts of the world and with giving the name “Numerology” to the Science of Names and Numbers.
Though numerology is probably the least known or understood of the metaphysical sciences it is enjoying a resurgence in popularity. Today it is most often used to discover secret meanings and to predict the future.

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