Thursday, November 20, 2014


Brother Bobby and his Queen Linda speak out after Bobby's stroke.
Bobby gives people a update on his heath and a thank you for all the love and well wishes that came his way.
He thanks all for the donations and love people sent and points out he still needs our help for his recovery.
You can give directly to Brother Bobby here:

or call Linda direct to send he your love (678) 358-1055

Sunday, November 16, 2014


Creation is finished!!!
 It is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom. The parable of the
prodigal son is your answer. In spite of man's waste, when he comes to his senses and remembers who he is,
he feeds on the fatted calf of abundance and wears the robe and ring of authority. There is nothing to earn.
Creation was finished in the foundation of time. You, as man, are God made visible for the purpose of
displaying what is, not what is to be. Do not think you must work out your salvation by the sweat of your
brow. It is not four months until the harvest, the fields are already white, simply thrust in the sickle.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Monday, November 3, 2014


There's a Distinct Difference between being "Conscious" and being Illuminated. The word "Conscious" has been used far too loosely.....many people that refer to themselves as being "Conscious" in a metaphysical context are not even close....
Those that claim to be "Conscious" are merely walking around with their Physical Eyes opened and are not Physically that particular context yes they are "Conscious", but they are far from being Illuminated....
Studying some form of New Cage Spirituality, learning about the "Illuminati", and indulging in CONspiracy theories does NOT make You what many call "Conscious"....You are very much STILL Deaf, Dumb and Blind with a head full of Erroneous Information that You have foolishly accepted as Truth....
How can You refer to Your Self as being "Conscious" while having a Victim Mentality and continuing to think in the way that Society has Taught You to think?, not to mention STILL having a Limiting BELIEF Philosophy?....
Changing Your name to an African/Kemetic/Esoteric name and/or wearing African/Kemetic/Esoteric attire does NOT make You what many call "Conscious"....It merely means that You have a different name, You wear different attire....but Your Ignorance remains in tact....You are STILL operating at a Low Level Mentality....
To be ILLUMINATED means to KNOW that YOU ARE GOD and that NOTHING and NO ONE Outside of You is Greater than You....YOU Manifest Your External Reality....You do NOT think within the confines of Social Programming....You Do the Exact Opposite of Everything that You were Taught to Do....
You are IN the World, but Not OF the World...Name and Attire changes are NOT necessary.....
To be "Conscious" means to Look....
To be ILLUMINATED means to SEE....
HUMANS Are Conscious.....

Facebook post by Curtis IlluminatedOne Davis



Did you know carrots were originally purple, and occasionally, yellow and white? In the late 16th century, Dutch farmers used mutant strains of the heirloom carrot, by crossing yellow and white ones, which gradually developed the common sweet orange carrot we have today.

The purple pigment in heirloom carrots is anthocyanin. Anthocyanins are a type of flavonoid, which give many fruits and vegetables their deep rich colours. They have anti-oxidant effects, and may also have anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, and even cancer-preventing effects.

Some think the reason the orange carrot became so popular in the Netherlands was in tribute to the emblem of the House of Orange and the struggle for Dutch independence. While this is possible, it also might have just been because orange carrots are sweeter and often more plump.