Monday, November 3, 2014


There's a Distinct Difference between being "Conscious" and being Illuminated. The word "Conscious" has been used far too loosely.....many people that refer to themselves as being "Conscious" in a metaphysical context are not even close....
Those that claim to be "Conscious" are merely walking around with their Physical Eyes opened and are not Physically that particular context yes they are "Conscious", but they are far from being Illuminated....
Studying some form of New Cage Spirituality, learning about the "Illuminati", and indulging in CONspiracy theories does NOT make You what many call "Conscious"....You are very much STILL Deaf, Dumb and Blind with a head full of Erroneous Information that You have foolishly accepted as Truth....
How can You refer to Your Self as being "Conscious" while having a Victim Mentality and continuing to think in the way that Society has Taught You to think?, not to mention STILL having a Limiting BELIEF Philosophy?....
Changing Your name to an African/Kemetic/Esoteric name and/or wearing African/Kemetic/Esoteric attire does NOT make You what many call "Conscious"....It merely means that You have a different name, You wear different attire....but Your Ignorance remains in tact....You are STILL operating at a Low Level Mentality....
To be ILLUMINATED means to KNOW that YOU ARE GOD and that NOTHING and NO ONE Outside of You is Greater than You....YOU Manifest Your External Reality....You do NOT think within the confines of Social Programming....You Do the Exact Opposite of Everything that You were Taught to Do....
You are IN the World, but Not OF the World...Name and Attire changes are NOT necessary.....
To be "Conscious" means to Look....
To be ILLUMINATED means to SEE....
HUMANS Are Conscious.....

Facebook post by Curtis IlluminatedOne Davis

1 comment:

  1. I still confuse how to make difference to illumination and consciousness ... please explain easily...
    Have a nice day. Bye
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