Wednesday, May 27, 2015

E.A Koetting's Stop Blaming "Bad Magik" For Your Crappy Life!

The magician is ultimately responsible for your experiences in life. Stop blaming bindings or psychic blockages for paralyzing you against action, but instead do what needs to be done and take the reigns of your reality.

Learn The Secrets Of Godlike Power:

Become A Living God eBook
Best introduction to performing magick

Complete Works of E.A. Koetting
All 7 of my “cult classic” grimoires

Mastering Divination: Omniscience
Rituals to awaken clairvoyance

Mastering Evocation: Omnipotence
Learn to evoke spirits to physical appearance

Mastering Soul Travel: Omnipresence
Rise on the planes to experience Godhood

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