Saturday, August 22, 2015

Occult Secrets Of Tai Tree

Tai Tree method for exchanging energy with the tree's around you....

1. Begin with a loving greeting, flowing your love towards it, while expressing your appreciation of the beauty of the tree.

2. While standing beneath the tree, observe a few minutes of silence, during which time you become increasingly aware of the tree as a living presence – of its aura and energy and particular qualities.

3. Communicate your intentions clearly to the tree and ask for its permission to proceed. In gauging its response, you may rely on your intuition.

4. You may begin by extending your arms and facing the palms of your hands towards the tree. Extend your own energy with a friendly ‘offering’ attitude. When the tree responds by extending its energy to you, accept it, breathing it into your body with an attitude of ‘welcome’. Let your intuition guide you as you respond to the tree again with another ‘offering’ gesture. Proceed with several of these exchanges. Take your time and really feel what is happening.

5. Remain centred within yourself, neither approaching nor retreating, and simply observe the subtle relationship between you and the tree. Use meditative concentration to become fully absorbed in your concentration with the tree, without actively trying to change or analyze what is going on. Do not try to deepen the communion or lessen it. Control your own energy and watch the tree while the tree controls its own energy and watches you. This is known as parallel tracking. Such a neutral state may occur several times during a session at deep as well as shallow levels of intimacy.

6. Allow the energy field between you and the tree to intensify, thicken and contract to draw and hold the two of you close together. There may or may not be physical movement involved. The sensation is that the two of you are being enfolded in a cocoon of energy while more and more of your inner cores are exposed to each other. Finally you hold each other in an embrace of deep intimacy.

7. Guide the chi (subtle life energy). As with all Healing Tao practices, it is necessary that you train your eyes and mind to move and guide the chi. This practice is also useful in training yourself to recognize and be aware of the quality of the tree’s energy. Be aware of this energy as it enters your body. Drawing the energy in through your Crown, you can let it flow down through your body to the base of your spine, then down to both feet into the ground, through the ground to the roots of the tree, then up its trunk, and around through the Crown. Feel yourself absorb both the tree’s energy and that of the Earth. You will feel these energies revitalizing you, nourishing your brain, glands and organs. Feel them also purifying your energy, removing negativity, knowing it will be transformed by the Earth, as in composting, a miracle of alchemy. Again, this process may be repeated nine, eighteen or thirty-six times.

8. You may have focused on the receiving and now wish to focus more on the giving. The tree too may need healing and/or benefit from the particular qualities of your energy. As your energy flows from you to the tree, it does so lovingly from the heart. But your gifting can also be more specific. As you follow the flow of your energy though the tree, you will begin to discover more about its subtle anatomy. As you do so with growing awareness, you will become sensitive to where precisely the tree needs healing, locating areas which may be congested, where energy may be blocked. Intuitively, working with both thought and feelings, you can restore the flow of energy and harmony – in accordance with the universal principle, ‘Energy follows Thought’. You can also become aware of the tree’s response to your healing intentions. As you listen to it, it will guide you. It can tell you, as can any other plant or shrub, whether it has a need of specific nourishments or minerals. 

9. Drawing and holding back to end gracefully: Drawing and holding back is very important. It prevents you from absorbing more energy from the tree than you can harmoniously utilize. It also prevents you from draining too much energy from a small or weak tree, or leaving such a tree with too much of your unprocessed negative energy. In addition, it seals off the connections you have made with the tree so that energy is not leaked into the environment after you leave. All in all, it makes for an aesthetically complete meditation and shows respect for the tree. When you have had enough and wish to begin your return to normal consciousness or just to a less deep level of communion, try to do so slowly and gradually so as not to disturb the beauty of what you have just shared. The sensation is one of gradually returning to yourself, sorting out the energy that belongs to you from the energy that belongs to the tree, and re-establishing the boundary between you.

10. Closing. Always end with a closing. The closing is a precise and somewhat abrupt gesture which breaks the connection, locks into place any healing that may have occurred, and imparts a feeling of good will, all within a second or two. The closing may be a movement, a sound, or just a change in the subtle energy field, such as the clap of the hands, or a nod of the head, along with the sounds “Hotep” or “Amen”.

11. Once again, thank the tree.

Contact Master Azzaziel @

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Wisdom Of The Grandmothers

Awaken your ancient wisdom and invite it in to your being.
The wisdom of the grandmothers has been lost in modern culture, especially in the West, as the elders are not given places of respect in our social structures. We have a 'cult of youth' and experience the shortcomings of such a society in the immaturity of our collectively held reality. Age is equated with losing social relevance and our elders are seen as burdens to be dealt with, senile and sickly and deposited in homes.
Now it is time for the wisdom of the grandmothers to be retrieved.
The human psyche can rise or fall depending on the projections put upon it. Granted there are issues of mental and physical health, but often swift degeneration in our elders can be attributed to the light in which they are held, the lens through which they are viewed.
Endow elders with the potential of wisdom, call it forth from them, and observe the shift that happens.
Explore your genealogy, there may be something there that is of significance for you at this time.
Honor ancient ways. Look to ancient wisdom to find truth. Relinquish the intoxication with novelty for wisdom of lasting value.
Do not be satisfied with a superficial approach, look deeper.
Do not fear your own inner knowing.
Crone Llamo requires total authenticity.
Time to release a lot of baggage you have been carrying for a very long time.
Time to release disease.
Time to cut away all that is no longer needed.
Get down to the basic bones of the situation.
The Crone's cauldron is just the place to recycle it. She can take it all in her dark brew and just suck all the negativity out of it and turn it into......
Time to release your whole idea of who you are and jump into the unknown. And not just the unknown, but a dark and spooky one at that.
Time to re-examine our group projections. Our projections of good and evil and all those archetypes we take for granted.
Crone Lhamo is one of the ancient earthkeepers who throughout the ages sit deep within the earth and work their earth magic for the good of all. Many who work with Grandmother spirit to preserve the sacred web of life were destroyed in the dark ages of the witch hunts.
While it is true that there are those who practice magic for selfish ends or align with lower level entities out of intoxication with power or other entrapments, most labeled 'witches' were the wise women who worked with earth medicine.

Post by Valerie Ames

Vagina Art?

In July, artist Megumi Igarashi, a.k.a. Rokudenashiko, was arrested on obscenity charges after building a vagina-shaped kayak and distributing data that would allow people to 3D print a model of her genitals. She was released shortly thereafter but re-arrested again in early December; the day before Christmas, she was released on bail. She is currently undergoing a lengthly trial. If she's found guilty, she faces up to two years in prison and a $20,000 fine.

There’s not much nuanced coverage of her case in Western media, but some experts say that it could be a landmark case for Japan, where strict obscenity laws forbid the depiction of genitals in all mediums, including art and pornography. However, despite these laws, traditional Japanese festivals persist--many of which openly celebrate genitals. We went to the annual Festival of the Steel Phallus, at which revelers gather in the streets to watch a procession of massive penis statues, to try to make sense of this contradiction: Why is a 3D-printed vagina classified as obscene, while a penis parade is seen as family friendly?

Walking A Dark Path

Do not let others deter you from your path, stay focused and Flip the script on negative people who want to control the way you choose to be spiritual.

Follow Ashera   @

Monday, August 17, 2015

The Power Of Shungite

Here is a list of illnesses that can be treated with shungite water. Some of them require specific water acidity levels. You can use a pH meter to measure the pH. To find out how to use a pH meter, click here.


Shungite water in combination with alkaline water can help you treat the following illnesses:

Shungite Sore throat headache 2

Buy Shungite Shower Head:

Shower Head with Karelian shungite is a unique solution for healthy living.
We are frequently being asked whether it is worth install some kind of filtering elements to a shower head. You have been writing to us telling about your worrisome caused by the quality of your tap water especially when it comes to taking a shower.
We are glad to inform you that we have a perfect solution for you today!
Shungite is known to have high absorptive , catalytic and biological activity when it reaches water.
The use of different attachments, filters for showers is not just recommended but necessary for those people who live in urban areas, where the tap water is really poor in terms of its effect on humans. Thus people every day take a risk of hurting the appearance of their skin when washing and taking a shower.
Shungite shower heads to get your water rid of active chlorine and its derivatives, heavy metals, odors and mechanical impurities.
Shower heads are filled with small shungite stones which provide high-quality water filtration.
Taking a shungite shower is the best way to start your day. Forget about dirty tap water and bad energy. Buy a shungite shower head now and take advantage of the amazing mineral granted to us by the mother nature.
Its installation is simple and takes little time and can be done on your own. The shower head is of standard dimensions.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The Library Of Lost Knowledge..

As we travel through dimensions of all knowing we find that there are more complexities to the balance of infinite creation than we would’ve ever imagined, but as we ascend and descend around the Oneness of All we clearly see that all complexities are returning to zero point creation....Thus i give you my library of lost knowledge, were we can return to some foundation's of the Infinite wisdom we all possess...