Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Wisdom Of The Grandmothers

Awaken your ancient wisdom and invite it in to your being.
The wisdom of the grandmothers has been lost in modern culture, especially in the West, as the elders are not given places of respect in our social structures. We have a 'cult of youth' and experience the shortcomings of such a society in the immaturity of our collectively held reality. Age is equated with losing social relevance and our elders are seen as burdens to be dealt with, senile and sickly and deposited in homes.
Now it is time for the wisdom of the grandmothers to be retrieved.
The human psyche can rise or fall depending on the projections put upon it. Granted there are issues of mental and physical health, but often swift degeneration in our elders can be attributed to the light in which they are held, the lens through which they are viewed.
Endow elders with the potential of wisdom, call it forth from them, and observe the shift that happens.
Explore your genealogy, there may be something there that is of significance for you at this time.
Honor ancient ways. Look to ancient wisdom to find truth. Relinquish the intoxication with novelty for wisdom of lasting value.
Do not be satisfied with a superficial approach, look deeper.
Do not fear your own inner knowing.
Crone Llamo requires total authenticity.
Time to release a lot of baggage you have been carrying for a very long time.
Time to release disease.
Time to cut away all that is no longer needed.
Get down to the basic bones of the situation.
The Crone's cauldron is just the place to recycle it. She can take it all in her dark brew and just suck all the negativity out of it and turn it into......
Time to release your whole idea of who you are and jump into the unknown. And not just the unknown, but a dark and spooky one at that.
Time to re-examine our group projections. Our projections of good and evil and all those archetypes we take for granted.
Crone Lhamo is one of the ancient earthkeepers who throughout the ages sit deep within the earth and work their earth magic for the good of all. Many who work with Grandmother spirit to preserve the sacred web of life were destroyed in the dark ages of the witch hunts.
While it is true that there are those who practice magic for selfish ends or align with lower level entities out of intoxication with power or other entrapments, most labeled 'witches' were the wise women who worked with earth medicine.

Post by Valerie Ames

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