Friday, June 24, 2016

How to move beyond childhood programming

How to Move from Idea to Action webinar with Sonia Barrett, this is an excerpt of that workshop. "In embarking on new ideas I don’t wonder whether I will fail or succeed. My main objective is to satisfy that which I have imagined!"

What dreams and ideas do you have on the back burner of your mind? Life is about creating and although we are engaged in creating in every moment, stimulating and passionate ideas and dreams become lost or stuck in the back of our minds.

Why is that? In making it through the obstacle courses in our minds impossibility becomes a hidden mantra. We find ourselves postponing dreams and ideas and we rationalize and validate this stagnation with all sorts of reasons. We are experts at it!

Deep down we hold two possible outcomes…success or failure! But what if there is no such outcome. What is it that you fear about failing? Our minds are up against the collective and social definition of failure. What’s your family history and programs? What programs and rules have you been living by? Let’s decode your programs! No more living by other people’s expectations! We are here to use our imagination! Depression can be based on living a life that is unfulfilling emotionally Partnering with one’s self can be incredibly healing Stop measuring yourself against the collective response programs

For the complete copy of this audio, 3 hours /15 minutes visit            .

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