Wednesday, September 25, 2013



Things to do during this Phase:
From New Moon to Full Moon is the time of growth, increase and expansion. Anything that you want to grow or expand from your hair to your ban...k account will move quickly with little effort at this time. This is when our brains grow larger and our bodies absorb nutrients better. Relationships or marriages started during this phase are more likely to be longer happier ones. This is also a great time to detoxify, fast, do healing and psychic work, make and visualize goals or wishes, gain new employment or employers, start your own business, move, buy a house, invest money, sign contracts, make physical changes to self such as perm or color hair, get tattoos, and cut hair for faster thicker growth.
In this Phase there are more female babies born.

Things not to do during this Phase:
From New Moon to 1st Half (2nd Quarter) stress levels are high and illnesses worsen so try not to overwork yourself. This is not a good time to do any long distance traveling or painting, as paints will take longer to dry. These things can be done, but for best results you should wait until the "Waning Phase" so that they will go smoother.

Things to do during this Phase:
This is a great time to make permanent purchases such as a house or business, get married, invest money, have gatherings, give speeches or lectures, improve or modify goals, do healing or psychic work, travel or go on vacation, have dental work done, make changes to physical appearances such as dye hair or do chemical alterations, cut hair for faster growth, and start a new job or course of study.
More female babies are born during this time.

Things not to do during this Phase:
This is not a good time for surgeries as there is a greater risk of complications, permanent scaring and healing will take longer. It is also not wise to do anything that requires risk taking.

Things to do during this Phase:
This is a great time to end projects, reach agreements, get answers and ask for favors. Starting the day after the Full Moon is the best time to prepare herbal remedies, for they are most potent now. It is also the time to break bad habits, accept proposals, eat with less weight gain, go crabbing or gathering shell fish because they will be meatier. Also any form of hair removal will last longer at this time.

Things not to do during this Phase:
The Full Moon is a time of heightened aggression and stress so take care. This is also not a good time for any types of surgeries as healing takes longer, it is also not a good time to cut your hair unless you desire the hair to grow slower (maybe body hair).

Things to do during this time:
This is the time to rest, reflect, reorganize, recoup, and release. This is also a time to cut hair, nails and lawn if you prefer slower growth. You will have great results with dieting, training pets,and any form of deep, thorough cleaning. It is important to air out your mattress during this phase and get rid of unwanted, outdated, items, characteristics, habits, relationships, etc. during this phase.

Things not to do during this phase:
This is not the time for initiating events, making any major decisions, negotiating or buying electronic gadgets or tools. It is also not wise to do any unnecessary driving as this is the peak time for traffic accidents because people are more physically and mentally exhausted

HOW TO HARMONIZE WITH THE PHASES OF THE MOON!!!!!!!! NEW MOON Things to do during this Phase: From New Moon to Full Moon is the time of growth, increase and expansion. Anything that you want to grow or expand from your hair to your bank account will move quickly with little effort at this time. This is when our brains grow larger and our bodies absorb nutrients better. Relationships or marriages started during this phase are more likely to be longer happier ones. This is also a great time to detoxify, fast, do healing and psychic work, make and visualize goals or wishes, gain new employment or employers, start your own business, move, buy a house, invest money, sign contracts, make physical changes to self such as perm or color hair, get tattoos, and cut hair for faster thicker growth. In this Phase there are more female babies born. Things not to do during this Phase: From New Moon to 1st Half (2nd Quarter) stress levels are high and illnesses worsen so try not to overwork yourself. This is not a good time to do any long distance traveling or painting, as paints will take longer to dry. These things can be done, but for best results you should wait until the "Waning Phase" so that they will go smoother. FIRST QUARTER Things to do during this Phase: This is a great time to make permanent purchases such as a house or business, get married, invest money, have gatherings, give speeches or lectures, improve or modify goals, do healing or psychic work, travel or go on vacation, have dental work done, make changes to physical appearances such as dye hair or do chemical alterations, cut hair for faster growth, and start a new job or course of study. More female babies are born during this time. Things not to do during this Phase: This is not a good time for surgeries as there is a greater risk of complications, permanent scaring and healing will take longer. It is also not wise to do anything that requires risk taking. FULL MOON Things to do during this Phase: This is a great time to end projects, reach agreements, get answers and ask for favors. Starting the day after the Full Moon is the best time to prepare herbal remedies, for they are most potent now. It is also the time to break bad habits, accept proposals, eat with less weight gain, go crabbing or gathering shell fish because they will be meatier. Also any form of hair removal will last longer at this time. Things not to do during this Phase: The Full Moon is a time of heightened aggression and stress so take care. This is also not a good time for any types of surgeries as healing takes longer, it is also not a good time to cut your hair unless you desire the hair to grow slower (maybe body hair). 4TH QUARTER Things to do during this time: This is the time to rest, reflect, reorganize, recoup, and release. This is also a time to cut hair, nails and lawn if you prefer slower growth. You will have great results with dieting, training pets,and any form of deep, thorough cleaning. It is important to air out your mattress during this phase and get rid of unwanted, outdated, items, characteristics, habits, relationships, etc. during this phase. Things not to do during this phase: This is not the time for initiating events, making any major decisions, negotiating or buying electronic gadgets or tools. It is also not wise to do any unnecessary driving as this is the peak time for traffic accidents because people are more physically and mentally exhausted.


 Things to do during this Phase:
 From New Moon to Full Moon is the time of growth, increase and expansion. Anything that you want to grow or expand from your hair to your bank account will move quickly with little effort at this time. This is when our brains grow larger and our bodies absorb nutrients better. Relationships or marriages started during this phase are more likely to be longer happier ones. This is also a great time to detoxify, fast, do healing and psychic work, make and visualize goals or wishes, gain new employment or employers, start your own business, move, buy a house, invest money, sign contracts, make physical changes to self such as perm or color hair, get tattoos, and cut hair for faster thicker growth.
 In this Phase there are more female babies born.

 Things not to do during this Phase:
 From New Moon to 1st Half (2nd Quarter) stress levels are high and illnesses worsen so try not to overwork yourself. This is not a good time to do any long distance traveling or painting, as paints will take longer to dry. These things can be done, but for best results you should wait until the "Waning Phase" so that they will go smoother.

 Things to do during this Phase:
 This is a great time to make permanent purchases such as a house or business, get married, invest money, have gatherings, give speeches or lectures, improve or modify goals, do healing or psychic work, travel or go on vacation, have dental work done, make changes to physical appearances such as dye hair or do chemical alterations, cut hair for faster growth, and start a new job or course of study. 
 More female babies are born during this time.

 Things not to do during this Phase:
 This is not a good time for surgeries as there is a greater risk of complications, permanent scaring and healing will take longer. It is also not wise to do anything that requires risk taking.

 Things to do during this Phase:
 This is a great time to end projects, reach agreements, get answers and ask for favors. Starting the day after the Full Moon is the best time to prepare herbal remedies, for they are most potent now. It is also the time to break bad habits, accept proposals, eat with less weight gain, go crabbing or gathering shell fish because they will be meatier. Also any form of hair removal will last longer at this time.

 Things not to do during this Phase:
 The Full Moon is a time of heightened aggression and stress so take care. This is also not a good time for any types of surgeries as healing takes longer, it is also not a good time to cut your hair unless you desire the hair to grow slower (maybe body hair).

 Things to do during this time: 
 This is the time to rest, reflect, reorganize, recoup, and release. This is also a time to cut hair, nails and lawn if you prefer slower growth. You will have great results with dieting, training pets,and any form of deep, thorough cleaning. It is important to air out your mattress during this phase and get rid of unwanted, outdated, items, characteristics, habits, relationships, etc. during this phase.

 Things not to do during this phase:
 This is not the time for initiating events, making any major decisions, negotiating or buying electronic gadgets or tools. It is also not wise to do any unnecessary driving as this is the peak time for traffic accidents because people are more physically and mentally exhausted

HOW TO HARMONIZE WITH THE PHASES OF THE MOON!!!!!!!! NEW MOON Things to do during this Phase: From New Moon to Full Moon is the time of growth, increase and expansion. Anything that you want to grow or expand from your hair to your bank account will move quickly with little effort at this time. This is when our brains grow larger and our bodies absorb nutrients better. Relationships or marriages started during this phase are more likely to be longer happier ones. This is also a great time to detoxify, fast, do healing and psychic work, make and visualize goals or wishes, gain new employment or employers, start your own business, move, buy a house, invest money, sign contracts, make physical changes to self such as perm or color hair, get tattoos, and cut hair for faster thicker growth. In this Phase there are more female babies born. Things not to do during this Phase: From New Moon to 1st Half (2nd Quarter) stress levels are high and illnesses worsen so try not to overwork yourself. This is not a good time to do any long distance traveling or painting, as paints will take longer to dry. These things can be done, but for best results you should wait until the "Waning Phase" so that they will go smoother. FIRST QUARTER Things to do during this Phase: This is a great time to make permanent purchases such as a house or business, get married, invest money, have gatherings, give speeches or lectures, improve or modify goals, do healing or psychic work, travel or go on vacation, have dental work done, make changes to physical appearances such as dye hair or do chemical alterations, cut hair for faster growth, and start a new job or course of study. More female babies are born during this time. Things not to do during this Phase: This is not a good time for surgeries as there is a greater risk of complications, permanent scaring and healing will take longer. It is also not wise to do anything that requires risk taking. FULL MOON Things to do during this Phase: This is a great time to end projects, reach agreements, get answers and ask for favors. Starting the day after the Full Moon is the best time to prepare herbal remedies, for they are most potent now. It is also the time to break bad habits, accept proposals, eat with less weight gain, go crabbing or gathering shell fish because they will be meatier. Also any form of hair removal will last longer at this time. Things not to do during this Phase: The Full Moon is a time of heightened aggression and stress so take care. This is also not a good time for any types of surgeries as healing takes longer, it is also not a good time to cut your hair unless you desire the hair to grow slower (maybe body hair). 4TH QUARTER Things to do during this time: This is the time to rest, reflect, reorganize, recoup, and release. This is also a time to cut hair, nails and lawn if you prefer slower growth. You will have great results with dieting, training pets,and any form of deep, thorough cleaning. It is important to air out your mattress during this phase and get rid of unwanted, outdated, items, characteristics, habits, relationships, etc. during this phase. Things not to do during this phase: This is not the time for initiating events, making any major decisions, negotiating or buying electronic gadgets or tools. It is also not wise to do any unnecessary driving as this is the peak time for traffic accidents because people are more physically and mentally exhausted.STORY By Ohmega TheJhini

Saturday, September 21, 2013


Cursing: a Hidden Downside

Author: Wade C. Wilson

I realize most everyone curses, and I\'m no better than most.  Cursing irritates my wife but it had not irritated me nearly as much until I had a recent first hand experience.  We hired a contractor to perform some work for us because I knew the work would be too much for my skills.  As it turns out, it was nearly too hard for the professional as well and he relegated the family and I to front row seats of a six-hour production of Curse Ville. 

As I escorted the contractor through his activities I began to make observations about life, and more specifically about our contractor\'s life as he was realizing it, or as he was manifesting it into his own reality.  This contractor cursed so routinely it was evident that he felt life and the universe in general was working against him, and I have to agree that his perception became a self-fulfilling prophesy as it became his reality that day. 

I pondered this observation and considered it against other life experiences and studies I have conducted on manifesting reality, and it suddenly dawned on me how potentially dangerous cursing can be given its tendency to attract negative influences and energy into one\'s life.  To understand this further, consider speech to be a filter of what lies inside us.  Our true thoughts and feelings reside within.  That which comes out is simply filtered based on societal, familial, and personal norms such that only a semblance of one\'s true, inner core is ever shared.  Visualize hot water poured over coffee grounds becomes dark, flavored water.  The coffee grounds would be the inner essence in this example, while the dark, flavored drink is only a semblance of that essence.  Thus speech may resemble what lies within but there is a key difference here.

While clean speech may suggest a relatively pure, inner core such is by no means proof because of the filter we all impose on our speech.  However, dirty speech or cursing would seem to indicate a corrupted, inner core that is suffering from negative influences and forever perpetuating the negative cycle because the cursing action attracts more negative energy into one\'s life thereby fulfilling one\'s negative prior expectations.  The filter, you see, is one\'s conscience, and its state of health – or pain – may be indicated by the speech our conscience allows to manifest in reality. 

Until I had this experience with the contractor I had never given much thought to cursing.  But after this experience I noticed in my own life that when I allowed a little cursing to occur I felt less inhibited to curse again.  If I cursed routinely I found more and more reasons to be upset and thus to curse even more.  It was indeed a self-fulfilling prophecy.  The only way to break the cycle was to take action with conscious, deliberate effort: I had to start thinking positive thoughts about the world and whatever activity in which I was engaged. 

This simple change in thoughts led to an immediate change in perceptions and helped me to break the negative cycle almost immediately.  Now this does not mean that all of my problems were immediately solved.  Sometimes I would have to laugh and accept the fact that I was beaten.  Laughing in the face of defeat certainly requires a change in mindset!  We can\'t all win at everything all the time.  Maturity is accepting this fact and accepting all of our frailties and weaknesses in life, and still loving ourselves – and life – despite this weakness. 

When I can\'t beat the problem, I know I need to step back, take a break, consider it from a different angle, and maybe get some help.  Cursing does not help.  I know that now, but I also accept the fact that I\'m a recovering 'curse-aholic.'  So I\'ll approach each day one problem – NO – one opportunity(!) at a time.  I\'ll change the way I think and will consciously deny the negative power of cursing to intrude on my life.  I will realize the life I want and deserve by helping that life to manifest through me and through my positive thoughts, which have no room for cursing to institute their negative influences on me. 

Article Source:

About the Author

Wade is the author of The Hidden Truth:  A logical path through compelling evidence to discover the nature of reality and the meaning of life, available at Amazon.  The first half of the book is available for free at and

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Drawing down the moon...

Imagine above you the round glowing disc of the moon, bathing you in a protective circle of light. Vibrant with energy, your space is transformed, filled with the purity of spirit. Stand and raise your arms above your head. Let your palms face each other and curve slightly toward the moon. Feel as though you’re a sacred chalice, drawing the power of the Great Mother into every cell of your being—from your toes, to your womb, to your breasts, to your jaw, and your eyes. Feel the pleasure of this energy. It is vibrant with the power to give, to receive, to nurture life, and manifest what is possible.

Sending your blessings...

Draw your hands to your heart. Massage this area. Feel that you have become the goddess, capable of balancing the earth and harmonizing its opposing forces. In particular you are tuned to the energies of Virgo and Pisces, signs devoted to magic, service and healing, although they approach their spiritual work from opposite directions. Virgo is that aspect of the goddess who knows the right herb or the proper incantation to fix any problem; she is observant, discerning and analytical. Pisces is your blissful goddess nature. Compassionate, intuitive, and holistic, she sees into the heart of the world. Out of balance, Virgo is constipated, judgmental and perfectionistic. Pisces is helpless and disorganized; she escapes into an unhealthy world of addictions. When these shadow expressions run amok, we feel like our world is imperfect and falling apart. We feel like victims without any protectors. We feel like the diseases of the world will win. Imagine this negativity circles the globe like a dark smoke. Know that if you breathe in this smoke you have the power to transform it in your heart—breathing it out as the pure white light of the goddess. Read the affirmations and visualize the world’s darkness dissolving with your breath. Find a comfortable rhythm and repeat the statements until your light has transformed the world.
  • Breathing in...
    fear of wild forces beyond our control.
  • Breathing out...
    the power to endure with strength and grace.
  • Breathing in...
    the world's sickness, its worries and blame.
  • Breathing out...
    a world that is radiant, healthy and harmonious.
  • Breathing in...
    whole cities torn asunder by disaster and war.
  • Breathing out...
    the power of the angels to set everything right.

Grounding the energy...

See the world bathed in the purifying light of your offering: the sleeping babies, the politicians arguing, the starving children, liars and thieves. See the world transforming with this light, growing peaceful and calm. When you are ready, bring your hands to your sides, palms facing the earth. Send your divine light deep into the earth. See this energy take shape as a round moon, gathering below you in the center of the earth. Feel yourself slowly coming back into your body. Rest in this peace until you are ready to return to your life. Blessed be.                                                                
The potency of any ritual is intimately tied to the way in which you enter it. Initiates of the ancient mystery schools would perform detailed rites of purification before their rituals, including fasting, baths, anointing with the proper oils, dressing in the proper garments, and making prostrations or circumambulations as offerings. Your preparation doesn't need to be so elaborate, just sincere. Take a moment to cleanse yourself of distracting thoughts. Become aware of your body in time and space. Tune into your heart. With humility and honesty, offer yourself. Offer your time. Offer your attention. To the Moon and all that she holds.

                        Special Moons
The Full Moon
The Full Moon actually covers three days, including the night of the Full Moon, itself. This is a time for action, for harvesting the fruits of our labors, for realizing that which we began at the last cycle, and of giving thanks.

The Dark Moon
The Dark Moon is the three day period from the last sliver of moonlight to the first sliver of moon light. This is the time of introspection; of looking within and meditating on the shadow self.

Moon Void of Course
As the moon orbits the Earth, it passes in and out of the 12 signs of the zodiac. A void-of-course moon is the time period when the moon makes no major aspect with other planets before entering another sign. The duration of this period can be as little as a few seconds or it can be longer than a day. The Moon rules the emotions, so one can expect to experience feelings of "disconnectedness," as well as emotional upsets, turnarounds, and variability. Therefore, it's a good rule of thumb not to sign contracts, start rituals, cast spells, or begin anything that would require any degree of emotional commitment until the Moon is aspected once again.

Blue Moon
A Blue Moon is that wonderful occurence when the Full Moon shows us her face twice in one month. Also known as a Goal Moon, it's an excellent time to set new goals for yourself.

As Lunar Eclipses represent the perfect union of the Sun and Moon, any type of magick worked or energy sent out during this time will be.amplified                                    

Monday, September 16, 2013


This is the most extensive book on Esu, also known in different locations as Eleda, Exu, Cxu Eleggua, Cxu Elegbara, Legba, Elegba, Elegbera, or Odara. He is the ''divine messenger,'' central to the understanding of Yoruba religion and worldview, as well as their various manifestations and related orisa traditions in the African diaspora — such as Candomble, Vodou, and Santeria/Lukumi.

Esu and Ifa (divination with all its sacred texts) or Orunmila (the god of divination) rank as the most widespread and the most worshipped of all the deities. Both Esu and Ifa/Orunmila hold the Yoruba cosmic system together. Esu is now part of what some may label as the Black Atlantic religion; part of the attempt to recover African religions in other lands; as well as part of the use of religion for survival. As the book points out, in Esu's ability to migrate to other lands, he becomes part of transatlantic history, but more so of the tension between relocation and history, between the violence that led to the forced migrations of people and the long healing process of reconciliation with living in strange lands that later became new homelands.
Elegba at the Crossroads
Elegba (Eleggua, Eleggua) controls the roads and doors of this world. He is the depositary of Ashe. The colors schemes of red and black, as well as black and white, are his. They reflect his contradictory natures. Elegba stands at the crossroads of the human and divine. He brings good fortune to children because children are messengers between the two worlds. Not surprisingly, Elegba has a close relationship with the Orisha of divination, Orunmila. No spell or ritual can be done in either world without the permission of Elegba. It is to Elegba whom you make atoning sacrifices and it is Elegba who is called before any other Orisha to “open the doors” and begin the magical rituals. His numbers are 3 and 21.

Sunday, September 15, 2013


 Jill Morton - Color MattersAloha

Color Professor Jill Morton welcomes you to the world of color.

Before the arrival of the World Wide Web, I served as faculty at the University of Hawaii School of Architecture, Chaminade University and Matsuda Technology Center. Today, I present seminars about color and marketing, color theory and everything that color impacts.

The primary focus of my work since 1988 is color psychology. As a branding expert, I've provided color consultation for a vast array of projects - for clients such as Tylenol, Nokia Mobile Phones, Eastman Kodak and Dow Chemical. Please visit my business web site, Colorcom, for more information.

Most recently, I've written and published a series of eBooks about color entitled Color Voodoo. They're the sum total of every color course I've ever taught and all the research I've conducted.

The Color Matters web site is a continuation of my teaching and my passion for color.
About Jill ... from another color consultant
I think of Jill as one of the pioneers who put good, credible color information and insights out there on the www. I read it and I believe, I feel, that her color knowledge and expertise is coming from an authentic place. Experience and study has always reached thru from her site, and now her blog, and got my attention - and respect.
Jill was one of the first.  Four or five years ago there was nothing popping up in the search engines, I remember finding Color Matters and it was one of the very few.
Bona fide color experts are hard to come by – there are so many poseurs.  I think color world, the way we think about coloring our environments, is at a crossroads.  I’ve felt for the last few years that we’re coming into a New Age of Color.  Good color information has been bastardized, and diluted and in some cases dulled down so far that it doesn’t even make proper sense.  Some of those folks responsible are just after the sound bites involving color and flashy pictorials to go with to entice readership.  The sound bites are there, the pretty pictures are there, but there’s no substance.  You’re fine if you just look at the pictures, but if you read the words, don’t expect much.
I think it’s a critical time for color. There is a critical shift in how color designers who are committed to their craft are wanting to color.  They want to color smart, they want to design with color for all the right reasons. The jig is up on the dribbling nonsense from self-proclaimed “color experts"

Monday, September 9, 2013

Rev. Valerie Love the "CHRISTIAN WITCH"

Rev. Valerie Love
Rev. Valerie Love



I never felt like I fit in when I was growing up.

I had big feet, skinny legs and nagging low self-esteem.

And I was weird.

I barely spoke.

I saw things it seemed like other people couldn’t (or didn’t) see, people from the other side and spirits. I felt things I couldn’t explain. I knew things without knowing how I knew them.

Since my mom was one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, all that was taboo. The party line was that if you see anything, it has to be demonic because Angels don’t show themselves anymore after the Bible was finished being written.

That story didn’t settle well in my spirit. Even when I was little.

I grew up not celebrating birthdays or holidays (from the age of 4) and sitting outside my classrooms while kids inside ate cake and ice cream.

To this day, I consciously choose to check my tendency to think I’m on the outside and everybody else is on the inside having fun.

At 30 I had a debilitating depression.

My life was falling apart.

Everything in it was caving in on me.

I had gotten married at 23 and had my first baby at 26 and my second child when I was 29. Part of the depression could have been post-partum. I think the only reason that baby survived was because I was breast-feeding. There was no way I could’ve made bottles.

So there I lay, in the bed, with the baby, day after day, night after night, doing almost nothing. My house looked a wreck and so did I. My husband must have wondered what in hell was wrong with me.

One day, I heard The Voice say “GET UP”.

I did.

I shot straight up in bed and got up.

Then The Voice said “GO OUTSIDE”.

What?!?!? You gotta be kiddin’ me! I can barely get in the shower and dressed, how am I supposed to go outside?!?!?!?

I did it anyway.

I got up, got dressed, went downstairs and swung the front door open.

It was like Count Dracula popping out the coffin. I thought the sun was going to toast my butt.

The Voice said “BREATHE”.

I thought I was already breathing. Apparently I was not.

I breathed deeper. Something in me woke up.

The Voice said “WALK”.

I put one foot in front of the other and started walking.

The Voice said “LOOK UP”.

I looked up at the big bright beautiful blue sky. This was what I had been missing. Later I found out that looking up while walking outside can lift depression.

I felt better. I was coming alive again.

That was 20 years ago as of this writing. I still walk outside almost every day.

The Voice knew what to do to save my life, because a few days before I had eyed a bottle of 800 mg pain killers they had given me after having the baby and wondered how many it would take for me to take a nap and never wake up.

The depression came from not living my authentic life. I was slowly dying under the weight of doing what everybody else told me to do.

I was a nice girl.

I did what my mother told me to do.

I did what my religion told me to do.

I did what the elders of my religion told me to do.

And when it was all said and done, I looked up and had a life of unconscious creation.

Whose life is this?!?!? I kept asking. It was mine, but it wasn’t mine by design because hardly any of it was what I wanted.

So I made the decision to let go of what didn’t fit any more. The husband. The house. The religion. I changed almost everything in my life. I went on a furious search for truth. I ditched everything I had been taught and started from scratch, with ONE tender morsel from my deconstructed house of beliefs:

God is love.

That’s it.

That’s all I had to go on. And it was more than enough. I let that simple little Truth carry me through the next few years on a trek to slowly find myself.

I’m not saying the journey is over. Nope. It’s in full swing.

As I write this, I’m 50 years young, doing what I love, in a life I mostly love, with people I love.

Most of all, my knowing that God is love expresses in my life every day. YUM!

Along the way I discovered, no, I remembered I am a Witch. I was born a Witch, so it wasn’t actually so much a discovery as it was a remembrance. It took me decades to make peace with myself.

I’m writing this to share my story with the intention and prayer that it will inspire you… to LIVE, to LOVE to make a difference and to share your unique journey so the rest of us can learn and grow.

I love you.


Rev. Valerie Shona Ife Love

In case you’d like the ‘formal’ bio, here it is:

Rev. Valerie Love is an ordained interfaith minister of spiritual consciousness, on a Soul mission as a catalyst for transformation through the power of love.

She is an Intuitive Advisor, Inspirational Speaker, Author of 5 books and the founding minister of Boost Worldwide Love, a community in the New Thought/Ancient Wisdom tradition.

As a seeker and teacher of Truth, Rev. Valerie teaches spiritual law and principle as reflected in the life and teachings of the Christ, a metaphysical understanding of the Bible and the wisdom of A Course In Miracles. Affectionately known as the Divine Midwife, Valerie Love is here to support the birth of a new consciousness on the planet.

As a Destiny Coach & Abundant Living Enthusiast, she is passionate about supporting clients in living the God Brilliance & Greatness each one is. Her path of discovery has led her from 26 years as  a Jehovah’s Witness to the study of Kabbalah, Magick and Spiritism with a focus on the Tarot as a tool for transformation, contemplation, meditation, inspiration and personal and spiritual development.

With an intention to live and teach the magickal life of conscious oneness with Spirit, she is a founding member of Destiny Diva’s, a membership organization of women helping women live on PURPOSE, with PASSION, POWER and in PROSPERITY through COACHING, COMMUNITY & CAMRADERIE.

Valerie Love’s specialty is teaching how to apply universal law and principle to money matters to create and manifest a rich life of abundant prosperity. Her background in the financial services industry, her 20 plus years as an entrepreneur and her love of learning and exploring the deeper mysteries of life and love integrate into a holistic and practical approach to money and wealth.

After 7 years of advising clients as a financial planner with American Express, Valerie Love sold her financial planning practice in August of 2004 to pursue her dream and passion of writing and being an inspirational speaker.

Since then, she’s completed the writing of five books — the first was published in November 2007, the inspirational, non-fiction, best-selling book titled: God Speaks to Me — Stories of Triumph Over Tragedy from Women Who Listened to God. Her second book, Pray — 30 Prayers For The Universal Soul was published in October, 2008 and her third work, God Is In Love With You, was published in August 2009. Her fourth book Arcturus — Messages From B.E.Y.O.N.D. is a channeled work on life and love, and her latest creation, released in August, 2011, is titled Soulgasm — Daily Meditations to Co-create & Manifest a Bliss-filled Life!

Valerie’s riveting speaking style captivates audiences while conveying her empowering story of  personal unfolding victory and the ultimate truth that each Soul is on a journey, a journey of love.

Rev. Val loves to bellydance, travel, spend hours reading books on Tarot and spiritual development, practice hot yoga, walk in the park and make frequent trips to the beach to hear from the heart and soul of the ocean.

She has 3 children and lives in the Maryland/DC metro area.

To contact Valerie Love for speaking engagements, media appearances, workshops, retreats or coaching:


Phone: (801) 871-LOVE

Skype: vallove22

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Books by Valerie Love

Thursday, September 5, 2013


I was deep into the occult back in 2008 when I came across this little gem . BOOK OF THE GREAT OLD ONES...I already had done extensive research on THE GREAT OLD ONES before I bought this book, so this was like icing on the cake. At the same time I didn't even realize that I had bought a rare copy of the book that was of some value. So I guess some of the stuff in the book worked (wink).....I will leave a link to the amazon site where you can find a copy     


Truth is Indeed Stranger Than Fiction

TRUTH IS INDEED STRANGER THAN FICTION Announcing THE BOOK OF THE OLD ONES SUMMON THE THRILLING POWER OF THE OLD ONE TO BRING YOUR HEART'S EVERY DESIRE! 'It's beyond white and black magic and more powerful than witchcraft', claims author Scorpio in THE BOOK OF THE OLD ONES. 'I sought the intervention of the Old Ones at a time in my life when I knew only the darkest despair', writes Scorpio. At first it seemed my plea had gone unheeded. Then suddenly I became aware of something very subtle, ancient and powerful hovering in the air around me, and came to realize that all I had desired was becoming mine with little effort on my part. I had called on the Old Ones at me darkest hour... that call was now being answered. As his life moved from poverty to riches... from illness to glowing vitality... from loneliness to an adoring lover, he was determined he would share the Secret of the Old Ones with others. A Hong Kong tycoon flew him in to hear the Secret. For years he has suffered blinding migraine attacks that would incapacitate him for up to 36 hours at a time. 'I would gladly give away all my millions to be rid of these attacks!, he exclaimed. He had tried everything from acupuncture to the severing of the optical nerve in his head, but the attacks continued. After Scorpio showed him the Old Ones' Marvellous Water-Heal-Me spell he has never suffered another attack. Another man penniless and facing eviction, turned to the Old Ones. He landed a huge lottery win and today travels the world staying in the most expensive hotels. 'I still can't believe it's happened - but I thank the Old Ones every day!' he says. You will find the thrilling proof of his 'miracle' in the pages of The Book of the Old Ones. No elaborate ceremonies are required. No candles and incense. All you need is to call the Old Ones. Other times all you will need is one single word to obtain a 'miracle'. You will be amazed at the mysterious and powerful way in which the spells of the Old Ones work. You will receive remarkably vivid dreams imparting vital information. A mysterious stranger may appear in your life, only to disappear just as quickly - but only after something remarkably uncanny has happened. The Old Ones will protect you every day of you life. Amongst them is the all-nurturing ancient Great Earth Mother who fulfils the needs of all those who turn to Her! A young woman turned to the Earth Mother and a stranger pressed a piece of paper into her hand which changed her life for ever. She performed the Gold-Creating spell and now lives a life of luxury and ease. Her strange story is told in Chapter Two of The Book of the Old Ones. A young man saw violent death was beckoning - but the Old Ones intervened. He has since prospered. SECRET KNOWLEDGE - HIDDEN FROM OTHERS - IS MADE AVAILABLE TO THOSE THE OLD ONES EMBRACE. 'The Old Ones are always on your side', says Scorpio. 'Even if you do a spell incorrectly they will still ensure a decisive result, and that you will never come to harm. Scorpio who had found both love and wealth through working the spells of the Old Ones, has decided to spend his life teaching the Secret to others, instead of keeping it to himself as others have done. Sharing something so good brings its own pleasure. In the beginning of the book you will read of the Invocation of The Old Ones; How to Cast Spells that Really Work; A Unique Fast-Working Spell for protection; The Vital Safe-Travel Spell, Your Special Formula for Receiving Money. Another chapter reveals the Dynamic Bring-Me-Money Spell, and explains the Secret of the Guardians of Buried Treasure. Also: the amazing Bring-Me Gold Spell and the fantastic Bring-Me-Jewels Ritual. The latter enables the reader to mysteriously and inexplicably receive gifts of jewels! Strange and Bizarre - but Scorpio presents the proof in his book! The Titanic Bring-Me-Wealth Ritual and the Superb Bring-Me-Luck Spell are for building wealth and receiving lucky numbers. Chapter 4 explains how the mysterious power of the Old Ones operates in the lives of those who believe. Read the story of Justin F., a computer fanatic who got himself out of debt and into the money - a lot of it! Destitute Cathy C. miraculously received $10,000 and Anne G. found the proverbial pot of gold. Scorpio relates the story of a witch whose rituals failed her - but was astounded by the power of the Old Ones. Another woman used her knowledge of the Old Ones to help her husband make a killing on the stock market. Seeing the winning numbers in a dream enabled another man to win $50,000 lottery prize. The book also reveals the Volcanic Partner-Enslaving Ritual to make he or she your love slave. The sensuous You-Are-Mine Ritual has a powerful effect! And the Titillating Let-Others-Notice-Me Ritual ensures you receive attention! Learn more about the Guardians of Human Emotions who will comfort you when it's most needed. Read also of the Irresistible Bring-Me-Romance Spell. These love rituals work wonders. A man, 48, still with his parents, felt handicapped by his slight deafness. He was astonished by the effects of the Women-Notice-Me ritual. Nothing had ever worked for him previously! His full story is in the book. You are shown how to involve the Guardians of Health (not intended as a substitute for medical help, but to be used in conjunction with same), to restore well being; and how to deal with people who are holding you back. 'You can defeat all opposition and soar ahead in the accomplishment of your goals', says Scorpio. Read more in the sections headed How You Can receive Help From the All-Seeing Eye and the Explosive Vanquish-My-Enemies Ritual. For Jane D. life didn't begin until age 65. That's when she discovered the power of the Old Ones. She felt young again, romance blossomed, and her health improved. 'I plan to live another 50 years with my new found power!', she says. David H.'s life was being made a misery by an obnoxious neighbor. The Old Ones took care of his problem. Read also the section headed How The I-Am-protected Spell Helped Sharon K. Blast her enemies. The Genuine Back-To Health Ritual enabled a mother to stop son's mysterious stomach pains. They've never returned. One of today's top TV comedians had been struggling for years playing strip clubs and low-dives. He owed his break to the Old Ones, and has sworn Scorpio to keep his true identity secret. Once the basic Calls to the Old Ones become familiar the reader can have access to the amazing Mini-Rituals for Immediate help. All it takes is one word ('Solo-Word') to get a result! When there is no privacy available for a complete spell or ritual, and an amazing Solo-Words are available. The Book of The Old Ones gives you: * THE SOLO-WORD TO WIN CONTESTS * THE SOLO-WORD TO BRING GOOD LUCK * THE SOLO-WORD TO INCREASE YOUR ASSESTS * THE SOLO-WORD TO INCREASE PHYSICAL POWERS (INCLUDES VIRILITY) * THE SOLO-WORD TO BRING A LOVER * THE SOLO-WORD TO ENSLAVE A PARTNER * THE SOLO-WORD FOR GOOD HEALTH * THE SOLO-WORD TO RELAX * THE SOLO-WORD FOR POWER OVER OTHERS * THE SOLO-WORD TO OVERCOME OPPOSTION * THE SOLO-WORD TO MAKE OTHERS OBEY * THE SOLO-WORD TO CHANGE THE OPINIONS OF OTHERS * THE SOLO-WORD FOR SUCCESS IN BUSINESS * THE SOLO-WORD TO PASS A TEST (INCLUDING DRIVING) * THE SOLO-WORD TO DISCOVER HIDDEN TALENTS * THE SOLO-WORD FOR SELF-CONFIDENCE * THE SOLO-WORD TO KNOW THE FUTURE * THE SOLO-WORD TO FIND LOST OBJECTS And there are Solo-Words/Mini-Rituals for finding a home, causing disorder, stopping bad luck... and much more! A Widow facing financial ruin, spoke a Solo-Word and had a sudden stroke of luck - not to mention a $10,000 lottery win! Don G. spoke a Solo-Word at the right moment and was saved from bankruptcy! An endless run of bad luck on love for Marilyn S. was stopped when she spoke a Solo-Word. She has since found true and lasting love. A phone call out of the blue suddenly solved Mike W.'s accommodation problem after he spoke the Solo-Word. Another woman uses a Solo-Word regularly for scoring on the stock market. Chapter 12 reveals the remarkable circumstances that change Josephine B.'s life. She was not attractive and felt doomed never to find the right man. Not only did she meet Mr Right, but he was rich too! Kevin N. tried everything to solve his impotency. Doctor's. Psychologist, and all the rest, couldn't help. Then he tried the same Water-Heal-Me Spell that had cured a Hong Kong Businessman of his chronic migraine. Kevin is now a new man with a very happy and satisfying love life! Such results are not coincidences. 'The Old Ones do exist' , say Scorpio. 'They are the Path to the Meaning of the Truth. Call on them and see fantastic results'.


Affirmations are very effective way to change your life. When you affirm you directly connect to your subconscious mind and change your beliefs and thoughts. If you want a better life use positive affirmations constantly.If you want to prosper, you must use prosperity thinking. To help you do this, here are some green and prosperous affirmations to practice:

My income is constantly increasing.

I prosper wherever I turn....

Today is a delightful day. Money comes to me in expected and unexpected ways.

I give myself the green light to go ahead, and to joyously embrace the new.

Green means “go,” and I choose to go for all the good life has in store for me.

I love dress-up holidays. I can be anyone I choose today.

I support others in becoming prosperous, and in turn, Life supports me in wondrous ways.

I am now willing to be open to the unlimited prosperity that exists everywhere.

I live in a loving, abundant, harmonious universe, and I am grateful.

I deserve the best, and I accept the best now.

All is well and I am safe.                                                                                           

                                                                                                                                                            How do you start your day? When you first wake up in the morning, what are the first words that come out of your mouth? Do you complain? Do you worry about the day ahead of you? Do you think about what’s not working in your life?

How we start our day is often how we live our lives.

What do you say when you first look in the bathroom mirror? What do you say when you take a shower? What do you say... when you get dressed? How do you leave your house for work? Do you just run out or do you say something nice. And what do you do when you get into the car. Do you slam the door and growl that you have to go to work?

I would like you to start your day tomorrow with an affirmation. When you first wake up and open your eyes, here are some affirmations you can say:

Good morning, bed. Thank you for being so comfortable, I love you.

Darling (your name), this will be a blessed day.

I am a gift to the world.

There are great experiences coming my way today.

Life loves me!

And when you get up and look in the bathroom mirror, I’d like you to say these affirmations:

Good morning Darling. I love you.

We are having a great day today.

You are a magnet for miracles.

You have time for everything you need to do.

You look great today.

An affirmation is a beginning point. It opens the way. You are saying to your subconscious mind: I am taking responsibility. I am aware that there is something I can do to change.

If you continue to say the affirmation, either you will be ready to let whatever it is go, and the affirmation will become true; or it will open a new avenue to you.

Open your eyes. Open the door. Take the first step. Say these affirmations tomorrow morning. Say them for the entire week. See how you can change your life by a single thought.

Let’s affirm: Every thought I think is creating my future.


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

EASY WAYZ TO PROTECT YOURSELF--- SISTER SUZAR                                                        This book, 'Da MUFFIN Papers' was first printed in 2004 by eight individuals named; FirstKreator, Natt, Elysha, Michael T, Ken, Susan, Greta, Dorothy and Edward. Within the pages of this book you will be amazed at the information that can be researched and the experiments tried and tested - experiments with easy to follow instructions so that you can see clearly the sciences that can help you and others. The book carries in-depth Insights on technology from here on earth and beyond the stars. In life always seek the truth; the facts and the origin of where all things came from, that you may never misinterpret or be forced to accept misconstrued information about the true facts. Foreword by Dr. Kofi Sanko Williams PhD     


Kara King's controversial book, "The Power of the Pussy", shares 12 powerful secrets that will transform any woman into the type of strong, desirable woman that can effortlessly obtain what she wants from men; including the love, respect and relationship she desires.

In this book you'll learn valuable lessons that will teach you how to...

~Flip the switch in your female brain, so you can beat men at their own game...

~Have men lining up to date you and desperate for your attention...

~Heal from a broken heart and never be sad over a man again!

~Become the type of woman that commands respect from men...

~Get the proposal, the ring, and the man of your dreams!

Get what you want from men and have the time of your life while doing it! This book has empowered women and dramatically changed their lives by changing the way they think about men and dating, and it can change your life too!

DISCLAIMER: This book contains strong language, sexual content and subject matter that may be offensive to some readers                                                              I wouldn't say it. But I have to say, I was surprised after reading this book. I've read "He's Just Not That Into You" years ago while after going through long stint of being undervalued by men (um, because I didn't understand how to use the power of the pussy) and Think Like A Man (because I was curious) and I read one recently that I bought for my Kindle by the Millionaire Matchmaker, Pattie Stagler and I have to say, THIS book, The Power of the Pussy, is.. um... I'll say it... simply better than all three of them--for me. Chapters 1-3 is enough, actually! I mean, and the chapter devoted to self-esteem needs to be read by all women. And let me tell you, I made all the mistakes. Divulging sexual history was my biggest infraction!

Point blank, I buy it. Ladies, if you want to understand what the power of your pussy is, then read this book. This is a very well written and well thought out book written in a very unique way. And I'm about to post a link on my FB page, telling all my friends to read it!

It's that good. It's definitely 5 stars.

However, if you're one of those people who are easily offended by straight-talk, real straight-talk, then... um... still read it! Toughen up and get over it! Geesh it's 2013!