Sunday, September 15, 2013


 Jill Morton - Color MattersAloha

Color Professor Jill Morton welcomes you to the world of color.

Before the arrival of the World Wide Web, I served as faculty at the University of Hawaii School of Architecture, Chaminade University and Matsuda Technology Center. Today, I present seminars about color and marketing, color theory and everything that color impacts.

The primary focus of my work since 1988 is color psychology. As a branding expert, I've provided color consultation for a vast array of projects - for clients such as Tylenol, Nokia Mobile Phones, Eastman Kodak and Dow Chemical. Please visit my business web site, Colorcom, for more information.

Most recently, I've written and published a series of eBooks about color entitled Color Voodoo. They're the sum total of every color course I've ever taught and all the research I've conducted.

The Color Matters web site is a continuation of my teaching and my passion for color.
About Jill ... from another color consultant
I think of Jill as one of the pioneers who put good, credible color information and insights out there on the www. I read it and I believe, I feel, that her color knowledge and expertise is coming from an authentic place. Experience and study has always reached thru from her site, and now her blog, and got my attention - and respect.
Jill was one of the first.  Four or five years ago there was nothing popping up in the search engines, I remember finding Color Matters and it was one of the very few.
Bona fide color experts are hard to come by – there are so many poseurs.  I think color world, the way we think about coloring our environments, is at a crossroads.  I’ve felt for the last few years that we’re coming into a New Age of Color.  Good color information has been bastardized, and diluted and in some cases dulled down so far that it doesn’t even make proper sense.  Some of those folks responsible are just after the sound bites involving color and flashy pictorials to go with to entice readership.  The sound bites are there, the pretty pictures are there, but there’s no substance.  You’re fine if you just look at the pictures, but if you read the words, don’t expect much.
I think it’s a critical time for color. There is a critical shift in how color designers who are committed to their craft are wanting to color.  They want to color smart, they want to design with color for all the right reasons. The jig is up on the dribbling nonsense from self-proclaimed “color experts"

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