Saturday, September 21, 2013


Cursing: a Hidden Downside

Author: Wade C. Wilson

I realize most everyone curses, and I\'m no better than most.  Cursing irritates my wife but it had not irritated me nearly as much until I had a recent first hand experience.  We hired a contractor to perform some work for us because I knew the work would be too much for my skills.  As it turns out, it was nearly too hard for the professional as well and he relegated the family and I to front row seats of a six-hour production of Curse Ville. 

As I escorted the contractor through his activities I began to make observations about life, and more specifically about our contractor\'s life as he was realizing it, or as he was manifesting it into his own reality.  This contractor cursed so routinely it was evident that he felt life and the universe in general was working against him, and I have to agree that his perception became a self-fulfilling prophesy as it became his reality that day. 

I pondered this observation and considered it against other life experiences and studies I have conducted on manifesting reality, and it suddenly dawned on me how potentially dangerous cursing can be given its tendency to attract negative influences and energy into one\'s life.  To understand this further, consider speech to be a filter of what lies inside us.  Our true thoughts and feelings reside within.  That which comes out is simply filtered based on societal, familial, and personal norms such that only a semblance of one\'s true, inner core is ever shared.  Visualize hot water poured over coffee grounds becomes dark, flavored water.  The coffee grounds would be the inner essence in this example, while the dark, flavored drink is only a semblance of that essence.  Thus speech may resemble what lies within but there is a key difference here.

While clean speech may suggest a relatively pure, inner core such is by no means proof because of the filter we all impose on our speech.  However, dirty speech or cursing would seem to indicate a corrupted, inner core that is suffering from negative influences and forever perpetuating the negative cycle because the cursing action attracts more negative energy into one\'s life thereby fulfilling one\'s negative prior expectations.  The filter, you see, is one\'s conscience, and its state of health – or pain – may be indicated by the speech our conscience allows to manifest in reality. 

Until I had this experience with the contractor I had never given much thought to cursing.  But after this experience I noticed in my own life that when I allowed a little cursing to occur I felt less inhibited to curse again.  If I cursed routinely I found more and more reasons to be upset and thus to curse even more.  It was indeed a self-fulfilling prophecy.  The only way to break the cycle was to take action with conscious, deliberate effort: I had to start thinking positive thoughts about the world and whatever activity in which I was engaged. 

This simple change in thoughts led to an immediate change in perceptions and helped me to break the negative cycle almost immediately.  Now this does not mean that all of my problems were immediately solved.  Sometimes I would have to laugh and accept the fact that I was beaten.  Laughing in the face of defeat certainly requires a change in mindset!  We can\'t all win at everything all the time.  Maturity is accepting this fact and accepting all of our frailties and weaknesses in life, and still loving ourselves – and life – despite this weakness. 

When I can\'t beat the problem, I know I need to step back, take a break, consider it from a different angle, and maybe get some help.  Cursing does not help.  I know that now, but I also accept the fact that I\'m a recovering 'curse-aholic.'  So I\'ll approach each day one problem – NO – one opportunity(!) at a time.  I\'ll change the way I think and will consciously deny the negative power of cursing to intrude on my life.  I will realize the life I want and deserve by helping that life to manifest through me and through my positive thoughts, which have no room for cursing to institute their negative influences on me. 

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About the Author

Wade is the author of The Hidden Truth:  A logical path through compelling evidence to discover the nature of reality and the meaning of life, available at Amazon.  The first half of the book is available for free at and

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