Friday, January 17, 2014


               Using Power Affirmations on a daily basis can help manifest desired change and goals. This audio contains over 500 affirmations for wealth, success affirmations, self-confidence affirmations, weight loss affirmations, self-esteem affirmations, law of attraction and more. Affirmations that will remove negative self talk and replace it with positive motivation. It usually takes 28 days to break or change a habit. Take a 28 day challenge and use these amazing affirmations to not only breakthrough limitations but to create massive positive change within. These affirmations won't bring you that new house, car, or pants size but what they will do is fire the creative spark and drive necessary to achieve those things. Helping to clear those old worn out messages and road blocks that fogged up the finish line.                                                                                                                                                For optimal results take time out at least once a day to listen to Power Affirmations. Use stereo headphones to help focus on the affirmations and connect with my voice, lifting and receiving the layers of nuances that trigger change. These are time tested affirmations that get results fast.                                                                      

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