Friday, January 24, 2014


When I investigated the art and practice of making money, from an Astrological perspective, one salient fact became clear and that was timing. When ever anyone wins, several events are seen to occur in the person's birth chart.

1) An aspect will occur between a transiting planet (a planet in the sky right now) and one in the person's birth chart (the position of the planets at the time and place that a person was born).

The birth chart planet aspected must rule one of the following houses; the 2nd house of money, the 5th of speculation, the 8th of resources to give a basic idea. 

At the same time, the following condition (#2) MUST be present.

Think of the Astrological chart of right now, a circle divided into 12 portions. The degrees of the houses move in increments of 1 degree approximately every four minutes. This is timed to the exact rotation of the earth.

2) You must have one cusp or line that is the start of the one of the money houses; the 2nd, 5th or 8th of the chart of the NOW aspecting your chart at the same time.  These aspect last for only 2 minutes at a time.

With a correct birth time, the times when your luck and winning factors are being stimulated can be predicted in advance. Times need to be calculated for the exact time and places where you will act.

For example, if a person wanted to use this information for gambling, they would need to leave their home at a favorable time and then enter a casino at a favorable time, then gamble also at a favorable time in order to have the best chance at winning. In this example the person must have times calculated for both their home as  well as the casino.

If the activity originates at home then one can press the send button for a email submission at that favorable time or initiate a phone call or place a letter in a mailbox or begin a meeting.


I have tested this methodology with numerous people and discovered some interesting information.  One of the first problems encountered was being sure that the birth time is correct. This methodology will not work if the birth time is not correct.

Discovering the correct birth time:
In order to test the birth time I found that a person can gamble at a penny or nickel slot machine for a couple of hours, carefully writing down the exact time, to the second of when you win. (using a watch that has been set to the exact correct time).

I then calculate a series of lists of winning times for the time that you gambled, based on variations on your birth time. One of the lists of winning times will have the almost exact times as the times you won on previously. This will be your correct time and can be used to predict when you are most likely to win. Wether or not you will win depends on the chart of the person or business you are playing against. The person with the strongest chart at that time WILL win.  Casinos as well as other businesses and stocks have dates of birth when they are indeed born.

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