Sunday, August 31, 2014


This is a post by one of my facebook friends Curtis IlluminatedOne Davis 
from The Occult Network

"GUILT is a Major Inhibitor of Ascension To Your GODHOOD...
People will often attempt to make You feel a sense of Guilt for Asserting Your Self and placing Your Wants and Needs above theirs...Which You are SUPPOSE to Do...
When people attempt to make You feel Guilty for Asserting and Expressing Your Self it is only to keep You at the same low level of consciousness and achievement that they currently are...This is nothing more than Religious/New Cage Spirituality Nonsense...
To place YOUR Wants and Needs INDIVIDUALLY above those of the "COMMUNITY" is to be a GOD...It separates You from the Mediocre and the Mundane...
You have Absolutely NO Obligation to care for those that are at a lower level of consciousness and/or achievement than You are....Not unless You CHOOSE to, NOT out of some sense of "Obligation" steeped in GUILT...The CHOICE MUST come from Within NOT Without...Especially when You are dealing with a people that REFUSE to Raise their level of consciousness and/or achievement and expect YOU to be their Savior....
GUILT is a HUMAN Trait and it's Sole Purpose is to Destroy INDIVIDUALITY...The Path of Illumination is an INDIVIDUAL Path NOT a Collective Path...
When you give in to GUILT, You Relinquish Your GODHOOD to remain HUMAN...You give up Your Power to remain Powerless...You've come down from Your Throne to mingle with Your Subjects...
Masters don't mingle with Slaves...Royalty doesn't mingle with Commoners.....GODS Don't mingle with HUMANS...It's also the reason why Politicians don't mingle with their Constituents(the people that Voted for them)...All that You did was Vote FOR them, You didn't Write any Checks TO them...THAT'S why they feel No GUILT about NOT honoring any of the "Promises" that they made to You to get your Vote...

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