Wednesday, August 6, 2014



Aboru Aboye Abosise,
The eight principles of the Ifa system which is born from ODU (womb).
For example,

1. The Spirituality:

a. Relates to the spirit of man within in the cosmos, the powers of matter and all aspects of ontological evolution and development.
b. Higher consciousness and tempering of Ori
c. Ashe within the universe or nature itself, trees, water, wind, fire, etc.
d. One’s individual spirit – eguns or spiritual guides’
e. Ancestors practices

2. The Religious facets:

a. Belief, faith, Ifagelism (ministers)
b. Prayers
c. Books of knowledge
d. Levels of personal development and authority
e. Temples (iles)
f. Practices
g. Authoritarian and hierarchy

3. The Divine substance:

a. The methods of Divination and accessing of esoteric information
b. the mechanics of Divination
c. the systematics of Divine Message collection, processing and interpretation.
d. It is a system that is found in every binding system

4. The Worship and Sacrificial quintessence:

a. The basis practice of worship, sacrifice, beads and continuous communication with the giving unknown forces of nature and or ancestral spirits

5. The Medicinal extract:

a. Herbs
b. Ebos that deals with both magical and materialist medicine
c. Eating habits
d. Inter-prevention antidote

6. The Historical foundation:

a. The history of the people and customs
b. The history of creation
c. The history of the forces of nature, orisa and Ifa
d. Related spiritual religion elevation combined in the system of human existence
e. The creation of materialist, non-materialist
f. The creation of the spirit worlds, orisa Iku and negative spirits

7. The Scientific tincture:

a. The power of observation
b. Axiomatic
c. astronomy
d. cosmology
e. cognitive and pre-cognitive experience or behavior
f. astral science
g. physical and
h. biological sciences
i. logic and reasoning
j. philosophy
k. mathematics
l. statistics
m. computer science
n. counseling the mental challenges

8. The Cultural lifeblood:

a. Dress code
b. rites
c. rituals
d. politics
e. socio-economics
f. globalization
g. ecommerce marketing
h. languages
i. normative value systems

The eight principles of Ifa are the same concentration of any of the other spiritual related practices within the universe.

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