Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Best Herb Relaxtion High Ever! New Blend!

Available here!
IG @soulflowerjanoki @thesoulflowerboutique

Glued Together Beef, Pork and Chicken!!!

Meat glue is an enzyme called transglutaminase. Some meat glues are produced through the cultivation of bacteria, while others are made from the blood plasma of pigs and cows, specifically the coagulant that makes blood clot.
When sprinkled on a protein, such as beef, it forms cross-linked, insoluble protein polymers that essentially acts like a super-glue, binding the pieces together with near invisible seams. The glue-covered meat is rolled up in plastic film, followed by refrigeration. Some manufacturers have gotten so proficient in the practice that even an expert butcher can't tell the difference between a piece of prime beef and one that's been glued together with bits and pieces of scraps.
 Since food manufacturers are not required to disclose what they've done, you think you're buying a prime cut when in fact you're paying top dollar for glued-together bits and pieces that would otherwise have been discarded or sold for a fraction of the cost.
But aside from the fact that it's a pure scam, there's the increased possibility of contracting food poisoning from these meats.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Counting 1-10 in Medu Neter (Egyptian Hieroglyphs)

Learn the numbers 1-10 in Sesh Medew Netcher (Egyptian Hieroglyphs).

For more information visit our website:

Language is the oldest living witness to history. Language can be considered the “DNA of culture.” It contains the state of mind (psychology) and world view of the people. Without learning the language of the culture or group being studied, there can be no meeting of the mind. We’ve often heard the phrase “Let the Ancestors Speak” and in order to hear and understand, we must know their language. This is the inspiration behind the making of this book which is to provide the basic tools and means to enter the world of Ancient Egypt and have a meeting of the minds with the illustrious civilization, society, culture, and people responsible for contributing so much to the world that we are indebted to whether realized or not.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

What Is The Kabbalah?

Kabbalah (Hebrew: קַבָּלָה‎, literally "receiving/tradition") is an esoteric method, discipline, and school of thought that originated in Judaism. A traditional Kabbalist in Judaism is called a Mekubbal (Hebrew: מְקוּבָּל‎).
Kabbalah's definition varies according to the tradition and aims of those following it, from its religious origin as an integral part of Judaism, to its later Christian, New Age, and Occultist syncretic adaptations. Kabbalah is a set of esoteric teachings meant to explain the relationship between an unchanging, eternal, and mysterious Ein Sof (infinity) and the mortal and finite universe (God's creation). While it is heavily used by some denominations, it is not a religious denomination in itself. It forms the foundations of mystical religious interpretation. Kabbalah seeks to define the nature of the universe and the human being, the nature and purpose of existence, and various other ontological questions. It also presents methods to aid understanding of the concepts and thereby attain spiritual realisation.
Kabbalah originally developed within the realm of Jewish thought, and kabbalists often use classical Jewish sources to explain and demonstrate its esoteric teachings. These teachings are held by followers in Judaism to define the inner meaning of both the Hebrew Bible and traditional Rabbinic literature and their formerly concealed transmitted dimension, as well as to explain the significance of Jewish religious observances.
Traditional practitioners believe its earliest origins pre-date world religions, forming the primordial blueprint for Creation's philosophies, religions, sciences, arts, and political systems. Historically, Kabbalah emerged, after earlier forms of Jewish mysticism, in 12th- to 13th-century Southern France and Spain, becoming reinterpreted in the Jewish mystical renaissance of 16th-century Ottoman Palestine. It was popularised in the form of Hasidic Judaism from the 18th century onwards. Twentieth-century interest in Kabbalah has inspired cross-denominational Jewish renewal and contributed to wider non-Jewish contemporary spirituality, as well as engaging its flourishing emergence and historical re-emphasis through newly established academic investigation.
From Wikipedia

Friday, September 25, 2015

Money Magick | Abundance Packet/Amulet

In this video I share how to make an Abundance Packet/Amulet to draw wealth, prosperity, money, and good fortune. Please click here to get download the PDF with the ingredient list and sigils:

Please be patient, you will receive a link to download the PDF in your email. Check your promotion/spam/other boxes too :D

Enjoy and Abundant Blessings!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Astrology | Saturn in Sagittarius Cycle 2015 - 2017 | Raising Vibrations

Simon is an Evolutionary Astrologer; Using the Evolutionary Astrology method of chart understanding, he explores the deep aspects and dynamics of the soul and how it experiences its lives across time. He looks at all aspect of the chart and through the symbol Pluto asks the question why I am here and what are my lessons?

Exposing Human Programming ... stepping out of the Matrix!

Groomed to becoming consumers, we become unwitting but willing slaves to the Temple of Global Corporatism ... an agenda which serves to suppress our true selves, preventing us from realising who we are and from achieving our full potential.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Invoking The Great Mother

O great Mother 
Lady of the Night and Silvery Moon
She whom is the Darkness and the Light that Shines through it
We Honor Thee Great goddess
Hear us your children
As we ask of your divine presence 
Here in our daily lives
Return to our hearts
So that we may partake of
Your great beauty, strength and wisdom
We honor Thee as the great Mother Earth
The Mother of the Universe
We welcome you back
May your nurturing life force
Nourish us all…
And fill us with Wisdom
So that we may find our way
Through this illusion
And restore the divine balance
Of all life on Earth.

Blessed be…

"I am here to work together with you and help mankind to awaken, to offer guidance for those seeking solutions within their lives and solutions in the world around us so that we can all truly be free. Please donate to support this work. Thank you." https://bernardalvarez.nationbuilder....

Monday, September 21, 2015

Don't believe your lying eye's...

Project Blue Beam is a conspiracy theory that claims that NASA is attempting to implement a New Age religion with the Antichrist at its head and start a New World Order, via a technologically-simulated Second Coming.
The allegations were presented in 1994 by Quebecois journalist and conspiracy theorist Serge Monast, and later published in his book Project Blue Beam (NASA). Proponents of the theory allege that Monast and another unnamed journalist, who both died of heart attacks in 1996, were in fact assassinated, and that the Canadian government kidnapped Monast's daughter in an effort to dissuade him from investigating Project Blue Beam.
The project was apparently supposed to be implemented in 1983, but it didn't happen. It was then set for implementation in 1995 and then 1996.Monast thought Project Blue Beam would be brought to fruition by the year 2000,really, definitely, for sure.

Vegetarianism and the Occult

"IN speaking of the relation between vegetarianism and occultism, it may be well for us to begin by defining our terms. We all know what is meant by vegetarianism; and although there are several varieties of it, it will not be necessary to discuss them. The vegetarian is one who abstains from eating flesh-food. There are some of them who admit such animal products as are obtained without destroying the life of the animal, as, for example, milk, butter and cheese. There are others who restrict themselves to certain varieties of the vegetable - to fruit and nuts, perhaps; there are others who prefer to take only such food as can be eaten uncooked; others will take no food which grows underground, such as potatoes, turnips, carrots, etc. We need not concern ourselves with these divisions, but simply define the vegetarian as one who abstains from any food which is obtained by the slaughter of animals - of course including birds and fish.

How shall we define occultism ? The word is derived from the Latin occultus, hidden; so that it is the study of the hidden laws of nature. Since all the great laws of nature are in fact working in the invisible world far more than in the visible, occultism involves the acceptance of a much wider view of nature than that which is ordinarily taken. The occultist, then, is a man who studies all the laws of nature that he can reach or of which he can hear, and as a result of his study he identifies himself with these laws and devotes his life to the service of evolution. How does occultism regard vegetarianism ? It regards it very favourably, and that for many reasons. These reasons may be divided into two classes - those which are ordinary and physical, and those which are occult or hidden. There are many reasons in favour of vegetarianism which are down here on the physical plane and patent to the eyes of any one who will take the trouble to examine the subject; and these will operate with the occult student even more strongly than with the ordinary man. In addition to these and altogether beyond them, the occult student knows of other reasons which come from the study of those hidden laws which are as yet so little understood by the majority of mankind. We must therefore divide our consideration of these reasons into two parts, first taking the ordinary and physical. Even these ordinary reasons may themselves be sub-divided into two classes - the first containing those which are physical and as it were selfish, and secondly those which may be described as the moral and unselfish considerations. "..C.W.Leadbeater

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Mushrooms: These 3 Fungi Actually BOOST Your Immune System have been used medicinally in Eastern medicine for eons. Now Western medicine is beginning to catch up, as the healing properties of mushrooms are being demonstrated scientifically. The three specific types with the greatest health benefits are Shitake, Reishi and Maitake. All three have powerful effects on the immune system and all three act as medicine. When you think about it for a minute, it makes an awful lot of sense that mushrooms have medicinal properties. Why? Because mushrooms are fungus. They scavenge on organic matter. Where do you find them? Growing on decaying wood, or worse (cow patties, anyone?). That means they are able to absorb—and then safely eliminate—toxins. I don't know about you, but I'd like to put them to work doing that in my own body, and eating them appears to be a great way to do it.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Navigating Out Of Body Experiences - Graham Nicholls on The justBernard ...

Do you want to float around the astral plane without dying first? Are you longing to leave your body at home for a few hours to explore the cosmos? People report out-of-body experiences (OBEs) while dreaming, during near-death experiences, or through relaxation techniques such as meditation.

Author and expert on Out of Body Experiences, Graham Nicholls speaks with Bernard on this mysterious phenomenon.

Learn about:

Verified OBE's
Immersive Technology and Infra-liminal Sound
Scientific Research on OBE's
Shared death experiences
The spiritual implications of OBEs
AND Graham's new Navigator Course, which has just been launched:

Graham Nicholls is an author and artist born in London, England. From a young age he underwent various unusual experiences including visions, clairvoyant perceptions and later out-of-body experiences.

He first came to public attention as an artist exploring psychology and consciousness through specially designed technological environments, the largest of which was exhibited at London’s Science Museum in 2004.

More recently he has focused on writing, with the publication of, Avenues of the Human Spirit, his first book, and Navigating the Out-of-Body Experience, following soon after (April 2012).

Over the last decade he has lectured widely on his spiritual, social and psychical viewpoints both in the UK and abroad at venues such as Cambridge University, The London College of Spirituality, The Theosophical Society and the Science Museum.

After more than 24 years and hundreds of out-of-body experiences (also sometimes called astral projection) he is a leading expert on the subject. He has conducted scientific experiments into telepathy and precognition with author and biologist Rupert Sheldrake, as part of the Perrott-Warrick Project, supported by Trinity College, Cambridge.

Since around 2004 Graham Nicholls has appeared in most of the major press as a result of interest in his art, spiritual experiences and philosophy. He has also been interviewed in: The Times, The Independent, The Telegraph, The Daily Express and on BBC radio, as well as many overseas and independent publications, radio and TV. He is also featured in three books by other authors.

Listen to The justBernard Show LIVE on Tuesdays at 2PM ET at 

I am here to work together with you and help mankind to awaken, to offer guidance for those seeking solutions within their lives and solutions in the world around us so that we can all truly be free. Please donate to support this work. Thank you. https://bernardalvarez.nationbuilder....

Portrat of an Awakening

In 1986, Michael Bernard Beckwith founded the Agape International Spiritual Center, a trans-denominational community highly regarded for it cultural, racial, and spiritual diversity, including thousands of local members and global live video streamers. “I greatly admire what you are doing to bring about the Beloved Community,” the late Coretta Scott King wrote to him, “which is certainly what my dear husband worked for and ultimately gave his life.”
Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith
Agape’s local community outreach programs feed the homeless, serve incarcerated individuals and their families, partnership with community service organizations active in children’s schools and homes for youth at risk, support the arts, and advocate the preservation of our planet’s environmental resources.  Agape’s global humanitarian programs provide food programs, retraining programs, schools, libraries, orphanages, hospitals, clinics, homes for unwed mothers, micro-loans, financial support during natural disasters, and human advocacy.  Locations range from 8 African countries to Afghanistan, Bosnia, Columbia, Ecuador, India, Iraq, Kosovo, and Sri Lanka.

An eminent representative within diverse religious traditions, in February 2012, Dr. Beckwith addressed the United Nations General Assembly as part of its annual World Interfaith Harmony Week. As co-founder and president of the Association for Global New Thought, Beckwith is chair of the Gandhi King Season for Nonviolence which was launched at the United Nations in 1998 and is currently active in more than 100 U.S. cities in 40 states and in 10 countries.  About its mission the Dalai Lama has said:  “Both Gandhi and Martin Luther King are inspiring examples of the power and truth of nonviolence and the actions that arise from them. The Season for Nonviolence is a very good tool to remind us of their witness, and also the large unfinished work we have together in transforming awareness on our planet.”   AGNT has also been privileged to be the convener of three Synthesis Dialogues with His Holiness the Dalai Lama of Tibet.

In 2013, Dr. Beckwith’s book, Life Visioning, received the prestigious Silver Nautilis Award in the category of religion and spirituality, as well as a Silver Nautilis Award in the category of creativity for his book and music CD combination, TranscenDance Expanded

Beckwith is a sought after meditation teacher and facilitator of conferences and seminars on the Life Visioning ProcessTM, which he originated.  He is the author of The Answer Is You, 40 Day Mind Fast Soul Feast, Inspirations of the Heart, and A Manifesto of Peace.
He has appeared on Dr. Oz, The Oprah Show, Larry King Live, Tavis Smiley, and in his own PBS Special, The Answer Is You. Every Friday at 1 pm PST, thousands tune into his radio show on KPFK, Wake up – The Sound of Transformation, and his Wednesday Hay House Radio Show at Hay House

Friday, September 18, 2015

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde
Have your computer, smart phone or tablet been acting out of sorts lately? What about your car? Has it been acting up as well. What about that check in the mail that hasn't arrive yet! The check, you should have gotten already! Have you had a recent "falling out" or misunderstanding with a significant other or perhaps a boss or coworker at work? Well, if you need anyone to blame, blame it on Mercury retrograde. Mercury retrograde, it's a phenomenon that takes place three times a year. It's when this planet of communication slows down, appearing to go backwards or retrograde. This last retrograde cycle for this the year appeared September 17th at 2:09 PM EST...lasting over the next several weeks, ending on October 9th at 10:57 AM EST. Those in the loop, knows its during this period that it's the worst time to enter into contracts, make commitments and misunderstandings or disagreements occur over the littlest things. Those in the know, will also tell you it's the worst time to buy a car on the lot or buy electronics of any kind. Over this last Mercury retrograde cycle, I'll share a few examples of how it affected people and events in ways unimaginable. Stay tuned!...Lloyd Strayhorn

2015 09 20 I Ching Workshop Online, 2nd Series

Peace and Blessings to you your family and loved ones.

I am presenting this video to annouce our upcoming second series of I Ching workshops Online beginning around the Autumn Equinox, Sept. 20, 2015 continuing for six weeks..

Our first course was absolutely amazing! We covered various topics such as, the history of the I Ching, the meaning of the trigrams and hexagrams. We studied the 64 hexgrams, the names of them as well as the images that are presented in each of them, to help us better understand the meaning of each of them. We asked questions about current affairs, got personal "Life Path" readings and introduced our family and friends to the I Ching Oracle System. 

The I Ching is a fantastic Oracle System! It really helps you to navigate through your daily experiences as well as give you some insights into world affairs. 

You can consult it on just about anything although I don't encourage anyone to use it for fortune telling. It works like a pocket Psychologist/Philosopher and gives keen insight into what's happening around you. It is an invaluable tool and I am so elated that folks want to learn how to use it!!!

We connected each Sunday evening on Skype and were able to share our own experiences with the I Ching as well as gain insights about the I Ching from each other. And as a student of this series, each person will receive access to suggested reading materials and study guides that can be utilized long after the 

course is over. We also discovered that it would take several courses over a period of time to get a full grasp of the I Ching and how it works. With this second series, students can continue their studies.

We all realized that a personal relationship with the I Ching is crucial in understanding the advice that the I Ching gives so we made sure that we consulted the Oracle regularly, some even daily.

I have been using the I Ching for over 30 years. After about 10 years or so, I started giving readings for other people. Before that, I read for myself and my children. I strongly encourage my students to be very, very careful about doing I Ching readings for other people. Better to teach them how to consult and give them a book list and let them figure it out on their own. You won't want to be responsible for misinterpretation of the I Ching readings.

When I first started it made very little sense to me. There were some hexagrams that were so cryptic, I could barely understand what the advice was that I was being given. I had to apply myself on a daily basis to master it and I am still studying the I Ching.

One of the things I noticed about the I Ching is how receptive it is to responding clearly to beginners. It seems to know that a beginner may not be able to fully grasp the esoteric language and meaning of the Oracle. But after a while of usage, you have to advance and the Oracle will take you on that journey to advancement and expansion.

I strongly encourage people to use it because it helps to enhance your intuitive abilities. The I Ching seems to work magically but in essence it is really giving you insight into what you already know about any given situation. It simply acts as a conduit to help you connect to your inner knowing.

I have used the I Ching to help interpret dreams, but even in this case, some analysis of the dream has to be done before consulting or you will not understand what the I Ching is talking about at all! Dreams are layered in their meanings so it helps to at least have some idea of the layering and then consult the I Ching.

I really hope that you will join us especially if you have even the slightest interest in Oracle systems and particularly if you are Interested in learning more about the I Ching.

This is what I need from you. Send me an email with the following information in it:
1. Your Skype handle, i.e. email address or username
2. Tell me what workshop you wish to attend

This is what I need you to do:
1. Send your donation, via PayPal to Please specify what workshop you wish to attend.
2. Get this book, "The I Ching Workbook" by R. L. Wing.

If you would like to attend but these times do not work for you, please let me know. I am willing to schedule other times due to varying time zones so don't hesitate to ask me so we can negotiate the time frame that works for us. Remember, I will work with a class as small as "1" to as large as "9".

Please go to YouTube and watch my videos.

Seasonal Altar for Fall, and Chit Chat

My Fall Altar and some chit chat about upcoming Idea!

Diy Scrying Mirror Tutorial:

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Solar Eclipse in Virgo - Language of Love
This solar eclipse is all about healing - ourselves and our planet.
Competition and separation do not work - as we are seeing with the breakdown of our economy, with people who are still hungry and without food. This Solar Eclipse opens a portal for us to cooperate and to collaborate with one another. We are all unique. We don't need to compete - we can help each other and the more we do that, the less pain and suffering we will endure in our world. 
Our internet is a unique opportunity for us to create the kind of world where everyone gets their needs met, where we all live our passion and we create a world filled with love. Enjoy!!

How to Have An OBE (Out of Body Experience)


"For me,being interpreted as the "bad" person is never a problem because I know who I am and I am very comfortable with myself. In the video we bring light to a huge problem in Ghana, or Africa as a whole, one that many refuse to acknowledge.Many religious leaders are abusing the people in different ways and taking advantage due to vulnerability and desperation of the people.It's also a mental problem. Hoarding-to hold on to as much money as possible, in order to live like colonial master's"---Azizaa

For full interview with Azizaa go to

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

How To Use The "Now" Moment To Create Magic & Miracles in Your Life

Magic & Miracles happen in a flash instant and the present/now moment is our chance to consciously create & manifest powerful, vibrationally aligned creations! Are you living in the Now Moment and what are you creating? Caroline Jalango shares a simple way in which we can align ourselves and be in a vibrational state that allows us to use the powerful creative energies of the present moment to create and manifest/materialize our intentions. 
Listen to your intuition/intuitive flashes and new awareness downloads coming to you.
The energy of the present/now moment is a powerful force for creation and manifestation of the magic and miracles we want in our lives. So much Love and Abundance to All Beings!

Physics Of Crystals

Inquire about this^^^ Amethyst set @

Mother Earth Weeps