Friday, September 18, 2015

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde
Have your computer, smart phone or tablet been acting out of sorts lately? What about your car? Has it been acting up as well. What about that check in the mail that hasn't arrive yet! The check, you should have gotten already! Have you had a recent "falling out" or misunderstanding with a significant other or perhaps a boss or coworker at work? Well, if you need anyone to blame, blame it on Mercury retrograde. Mercury retrograde, it's a phenomenon that takes place three times a year. It's when this planet of communication slows down, appearing to go backwards or retrograde. This last retrograde cycle for this the year appeared September 17th at 2:09 PM EST...lasting over the next several weeks, ending on October 9th at 10:57 AM EST. Those in the loop, knows its during this period that it's the worst time to enter into contracts, make commitments and misunderstandings or disagreements occur over the littlest things. Those in the know, will also tell you it's the worst time to buy a car on the lot or buy electronics of any kind. Over this last Mercury retrograde cycle, I'll share a few examples of how it affected people and events in ways unimaginable. Stay tuned!...Lloyd Strayhorn

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