Friday, September 18, 2015

2015 09 20 I Ching Workshop Online, 2nd Series

Peace and Blessings to you your family and loved ones.

I am presenting this video to annouce our upcoming second series of I Ching workshops Online beginning around the Autumn Equinox, Sept. 20, 2015 continuing for six weeks..

Our first course was absolutely amazing! We covered various topics such as, the history of the I Ching, the meaning of the trigrams and hexagrams. We studied the 64 hexgrams, the names of them as well as the images that are presented in each of them, to help us better understand the meaning of each of them. We asked questions about current affairs, got personal "Life Path" readings and introduced our family and friends to the I Ching Oracle System. 

The I Ching is a fantastic Oracle System! It really helps you to navigate through your daily experiences as well as give you some insights into world affairs. 

You can consult it on just about anything although I don't encourage anyone to use it for fortune telling. It works like a pocket Psychologist/Philosopher and gives keen insight into what's happening around you. It is an invaluable tool and I am so elated that folks want to learn how to use it!!!

We connected each Sunday evening on Skype and were able to share our own experiences with the I Ching as well as gain insights about the I Ching from each other. And as a student of this series, each person will receive access to suggested reading materials and study guides that can be utilized long after the 

course is over. We also discovered that it would take several courses over a period of time to get a full grasp of the I Ching and how it works. With this second series, students can continue their studies.

We all realized that a personal relationship with the I Ching is crucial in understanding the advice that the I Ching gives so we made sure that we consulted the Oracle regularly, some even daily.

I have been using the I Ching for over 30 years. After about 10 years or so, I started giving readings for other people. Before that, I read for myself and my children. I strongly encourage my students to be very, very careful about doing I Ching readings for other people. Better to teach them how to consult and give them a book list and let them figure it out on their own. You won't want to be responsible for misinterpretation of the I Ching readings.

When I first started it made very little sense to me. There were some hexagrams that were so cryptic, I could barely understand what the advice was that I was being given. I had to apply myself on a daily basis to master it and I am still studying the I Ching.

One of the things I noticed about the I Ching is how receptive it is to responding clearly to beginners. It seems to know that a beginner may not be able to fully grasp the esoteric language and meaning of the Oracle. But after a while of usage, you have to advance and the Oracle will take you on that journey to advancement and expansion.

I strongly encourage people to use it because it helps to enhance your intuitive abilities. The I Ching seems to work magically but in essence it is really giving you insight into what you already know about any given situation. It simply acts as a conduit to help you connect to your inner knowing.

I have used the I Ching to help interpret dreams, but even in this case, some analysis of the dream has to be done before consulting or you will not understand what the I Ching is talking about at all! Dreams are layered in their meanings so it helps to at least have some idea of the layering and then consult the I Ching.

I really hope that you will join us especially if you have even the slightest interest in Oracle systems and particularly if you are Interested in learning more about the I Ching.

This is what I need from you. Send me an email with the following information in it:
1. Your Skype handle, i.e. email address or username
2. Tell me what workshop you wish to attend

This is what I need you to do:
1. Send your donation, via PayPal to Please specify what workshop you wish to attend.
2. Get this book, "The I Ching Workbook" by R. L. Wing.

If you would like to attend but these times do not work for you, please let me know. I am willing to schedule other times due to varying time zones so don't hesitate to ask me so we can negotiate the time frame that works for us. Remember, I will work with a class as small as "1" to as large as "9".

Please go to YouTube and watch my videos.

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