Saturday, July 26, 2014


Yvonne P. Chireau

For early-twentieth-century American audiences hungry for entertainment variety, what could be more novel than an elegantly dressed black man, at the center of his own spectacular universe—pontificating on his success and performing marvelous stunts? Black Herman fit the bill. A magician and illusionist who successfully effaced the boundaries between theater, folk religion, and entrepreneurship, the mythology surrounding his person was to expand even further after his untimely death. Some seized upon his legacy by impersonation, adopting titles like “Black Herman the Second” and “The Original Black Herman,” and continuing, uninterrupted, the popular act that had made him famous. Indeed, it seems that the mystique of Black Herman was willed into perpetuity, sometimes by the name alone. To take two examples: he was reborn as Herman “Sonny” Blount, who had been named for Black Herman, and who was eventually apotheosized as the avant-garde jazz musician Sun Ra of the eclectic Philadelphia-based band Arkestra. Later, black Herman made an appearance as a neo-hoodoo detective-sidekick in Ishmael Reed’s 1972 novel Mumbo Jumbo. Could it be, as Black Herman himself once cryptically prophesied, that he would “come through once every seven years” to stake his claim to immortality—if only by the forces of history and memory? 

Black Herman’s origins lay in the South. He was born Benjamin Rucker in Virginia in 1892 and came of age in the shadow of an itinerant African American showman and street peddler by the name of Prince Herman (Alonzo Moore), who took in Rucker as an apprentice at the age of sixteen. By the time of Prince Herman’s death, Rucker had fine-tuned his own skills at reading cards, divining fortunes, and cooking up healing elixirs, so much so that he was able to make his own way around the circuit of traveling faith healers who hustled material goods and spiritual assurances from town to town in Black Belt communities. Eventually the harbingers of poverty and racial discrimination pushed Rucker out of the South and toward Chicago, where in the late 1910s he launched an independent career, assuming a new biography and name borrowed from his old friend and mentor: henceforth he would be known as Black Herman.

Black Herman was a master of conventional magic techniques and legerdemain, but he also drew from black vernacular traditions. Although he claimed to have been born in “the dark jungles of Africa,” he was not the first person of African descent to utilize the medium of magic in public performance. Richard Potter, the son of a slave, had gained distinction in the early 1800s by cultivating his talents as a ventriloquist and sleight-of-hand artist. William Carl, known as the “Black Dante” or “Creole Mahatma” in the American vaudeville era, identified the “Orient” as his source of magical knowledge, thereby assuming a new and exotic racial personality. Apart from the professional career entertainers of the stage, there also existed a class of black spiritual magicians who were known as Conjurers, Hoodoos, and Root Doctors. These mystically inclined men and women culled ancient religious resources in order to produce a kind of therapeutic thaumaturgy that thrived within slave communities for over two centuries. In the popular imagination, fragments of this sacred worldview metamorphosed into “Negro superstitions” and “Voodoo.” In reality, however, African American spiritual magicians synthesized the most powerful elements of their tradition into charming and healing practices. The echoes of this mysterious, powerful constellation of folk supernaturalism, occult arts, and ancestral religiosity can be discerned in Black Herman’s performative style. A resourceful showman who engaged secular techniques of magic, he simultaneously reinterpreted the broader universe in which African American spiritual practices had been incubated, utilizing conjure healing, divination, and Hoodoo practices as part of his repertoire. His appropriation of both worlds was as resonant with audiences as it was profitable for him.

Black Herman found his place as the self-proclaimed “world’s greatest magician” in Harlem, the African American mecca during the Jazz Age. It was here, at the cosmopolitan center of a dazzling culture industry where all roads to fortune and fame converged, that Herman mass-marketed the act for which he became best known, a combination of stage craft, comedy, vaudeville theater, religious oratory, and mind-reading tricks. His crowning achievement was a headlining show at Marcus Garvey’s four-thousand-seat Liberty Hall in 1923. Herman sold out the hall for a month at a venue that had previously housed rallies of Harlem’s favorite race heroes and pan-African radicals. His shows were hugely appealing to an emerging urban audience, a highly mixed demographic that included blacks, whites, society members and other elites, and men and women of the working classes. 

Black Herman’s self-presentation as a master of arcane mysteries justified his use of prestigious titles such as “Professor” and “Doctor,” which adorned his books, magazines, and promotional literature. Such credentials were often adopted by African American religious figures and occultists as emblems of intellectual respectability in an era when positive representations of black male identity were openly contested in the public sphere. Equally at home as a merchant of conjuring implements and as a storefront impresario, Herman set up shop as an authorized seller of mail order courses, lucky numbers, and health tonics until he was arrested in 1925 and sent to Sing Sing on a charge of fraud. Prison did not dissuade him from his true calling, however, and by the end of the decade he had returned to the stage and his extraordinarily lucrative career. 

Black Herman’s public career came to an abrupt end when he collapsed onstage after a show at the Palace Theatre in Louisville, Kentucky, in 1934. Few persons who were present at the time could determine whether his departure was part of the act or not. After all, one of his most famous tricks involved the staging of his own burial and resurrection, a feat of great daring that he had perfected after years of traveling on road tours. We see, in an undated photograph, a throng of enthusiastic fans pressing against a platform: “Look! Look! Buried Alive!” a banner compels those who would be first to see him rise from his “Private Graveyard.” When Black Herman’s body was ultimately laid to rest at New York’s Woodlawn cemetery, newspapers reported that scores of visitors gathered in anticipation of his final appearance. 

Thus ended the life of one of the most successful African American magicians of the twentieth century. Black Herman had tapped a wellspring of indigenous spiritual traditions that held broad appeal among black Americans, utilizing these alternative idioms to connect with diverse audience members. Delighted to be part of the fun, spectators responded as with a single voice.
Yvonne P. Chireau teaches in the Department of Religious Studies at Swarthmore College in Pennsylvania. Her most recent work is Black Magic: Religion and the African American Conjuring Tradition (University of California Press, 2003). She is currently writing a book on second-generation practitioners of African religions in the United States.

Friday, July 25, 2014


LUISAH TEISH grew up in New Orleans, Louisiana, and spent many hours along the banks of the Mississippi River. As you know this area is rich in folklore, music and mystery. As a child, She was surrounded by a community of elders who maintained centuries old stories and traditions. She also found that any question she posed was met with a proverbial answer. "Don't be like the bulldog in the hay!" she was told.

She soon learned that her intelligence was measured by her ability to decipher proverbs and to glean life-guidance from the content of stories.

This influence awakened a creativity that led to Luisah gathering materials (both oral and written). She has since become a professional storyteller, writer, and community activist for more than forty years now.

On this page she offer's you some of her favorite proverbs, jokes and sayings. They are drawn from cultures all over the world. Read them, consider them, and respond if you like.

But most importantly enjoy them.

A List of Proverbs

A world begins with One. Can you be The One who makes this place a better world?

Rocks on the path may be picked up or kicked off. If you kick them aside, you create obstacles for others. If you pick up the stones, you can use them to build a fortress. What will you do?

The earlly bird catches the worm and the night owl feasts on mouse. Everyone has their turn in Time. How do you use your time?

Do you argue vigorously with a fool. This endeavor makes a wise person foolish. 

Open your eyes wide! Look! See the world before you. Close your eyes. Breathe! And see the light within you.

Flies cannot enter a closed mouth. Curses are accrued by a wagging tongue.

Bush and Dick give genitalia a bad name. 

Cure illness with stillness. Meditate daily. 

You can't throw sugar on shit and call it ice cream.

A cow need her tail more than once to fan a fly. 

Two racehorses can have a conversation. But what can a jackass say?

Water drank from a clean cup does not sting the tongue. 

The tightrope walker is nervous. What if they ask her to dance?

When head, heart, and hands agree wonderful things can be done. 

Nobody knows what's at the bottom of the Ocean.

The One who is the head must never be the tail.

A hard head makes a soft behind. 

A bell rings loudest on its own front porch. 

If you push you luck, it might push back. 

The bigger they come the harder they fall. 

The bigger the family, the bigger the funeral. 

Beware the height of the pedestal. It matches the speed of the fall. 

A burnt child fears fire. 

When a king falls, a prince rises to the throne.

He who knows does not die like he who does not know.

Lessons can be learned in this life or the next.

A dog has four legs but can only run one way. Where are you going human?

The ears cannot grow above the head. 

Don't let your ass overload your underwear.

Can two rams drink from the same stream?

No one succeeds alone.

The ancestors and the womb live in the same place. 

Two long nosed people cannot kiss each other. 

Though eyes decieve, the mirror never lies. 

After the fat is fried, we will taste the grease. 

Bit by bit we eat the head of the rat. 

The parrot sings in the jungle and the pigeon in the city.

The needle carries the thread. 

Pretending to be crazy is crazy in itself.

Your best friend may be your worst enemy. 

The cheap is expensive in the end. 

He who rests under a strong tree benefits from the shadow.

A new broom sweeps clean.

When there is war, the warrior does not sleep. 

When it rains, the toad goes underneath the stone to take shelter.

Always practice what your heart says. 

Do not destroy with your tongue what you built with your head. 

The bandage in front of your eyes does not let you see in front of your nose.


Across the King’s River is a visionary film inspired by the wisdom of Ifa and the challenge of finding and fulfilling your life’s purpose.
“A critically important project! One that is sure to receive critical acclaim!”
Dr. Robert Voeks, PhD, author, Sacred Leaves of Candomble.
“Powerful! A brilliant historical document!”
Carole Lee Dean, author, The Art of Film Funding.
“Timely and germane to the challenges of the 21st century!”
Dr. Charles Finch, M.D., author, The African 

Background of Medical Science.

Across the King's River is an upcoming documentary film that explores modern science and Yoruba and Senegalese healing and spiritual traditions. For more information visit:

Thursday, July 24, 2014




        Western magik has traditionally placed a great deal
of emphasis upon the use of willpower as a means of
development and self-mastery. But this may not be the best
method in the long run. Isaac Bonewitz describes how the
subconscious will sometimes rebel against willpower with
'spectacular results'. It is far better to run one's life
        Hawaiian Kahuna magik describes the 'three selves',
ie. the lower self (or subconscious), the middle self (or
normal consciousness), and the high self (spirit or Holy
Guardian Angel). Enlightenment in the Hawaiian system
consists of unification of the three selves. They become
'buddies'. Enlightenment does not come from great change. It
comes from great acceptance. Continual effort at becoming
better takes you nowhere. For becoming it is not being it.
The unification is achieved by first developing
communication with the subconscious and later with the
high self also. Simple exercises with a pendulum, automatic
writing, raised finger responses, self hypnosis, recording
and analysis of dreams etc. facilitate communication with
the subconscious. At first communication with the high self
must be via the subconscious, but later it is possible to go
direct to it.

Monday, July 21, 2014


Astral Simulacra
by Phil Hine
There follows a simple technique which is quite useful in distant healing. Whilst it is fairly
common for magicians to visualize the person or target being enchanted, I have found that
building up an "Astral Simulacra" of the target enhances a working. To do this, one recalls
memories of the target, and project into a specified space (triangle, crystal etc) the emotions that
those memories trigger. One does this by verbalizing the memories in the form of an invocation:
"I remember (name) laughing at a party
I remember the scent of her favourite perfume
I remember her graceful movements
I remember (name) in the ecstasy of an orgasm
I remember how (name) would complain about the rain
I remember how (name) sounded on the telephone."
By recalling memories and projecting them forth, energized by the appropriate emotions, the
simulacra may be used as the carrier for a healing or empowerment servitor, which could, for
example, be placed at an appropriate location within the body of the simulacra. The simulacra
can be despatched, visualizing it as merging with the body of the target subject. This technique
can be very effective when a group of participants build a simulacra of a target from the gestaltprojection
of the memories of those present.
This technique can also be used in works of self-healing, where one might, for example, be
struggling to achieve closure with an estranged partner or relative. By creating a simulacra out of
memories and emotions, one might address the simulacra as though it was the person
themselves, which can be a ritualised opportunity to tell the 'person' things that one needs to, to
move on from that life experience. This technique can also be used to facilitate the severance of
psychic links with former partners.

Sunday, July 20, 2014


                 ***** THE AURA *****

An extremely subtle and therefore invisible essence or fluid
that emanates from and surrounds not only human beings and
beasts, but as a matter of fact, plants and minerals also.

It is one of the aspects of the Auric Egg and therefore the
human aura partakes of all the qualities that the human 
constitution contains.

it is at once magneto-mental and electro-vital, suffused with
the energies of the mind and spirt - the quality in each case
coming from an organ or center of the human constitution
whence it flows. It is the source of the sympathies and
antipathies that we are conscious of.

Under the control of the human will it can be both life-giving
and healing, or death-dealing; and when the human will is
passive the aura has an action of its own which is automatic
and follows the laws character and latent impulses of the
being from which it emanates.

Sensitives have frequently described it in more or less vague
terms as  a light flowing from the eyes or the heart or the
tips of the fingers or from other parts of the body.

Sometimes this fluid, instead of being colorless light, manifests
itself by flashing and scintillating changes of colors - the
color or colors in each case depending not only upon the varying
moods of the human individual, but also possessing a background
equivalent to the character or nature of the individual.

Animals are extremely sensitive to auraa; and some beasts even
descry the human being surrounded with aura as with a cloud or
veil. As a matter of fact, everything has its aura surrounding
it with a light or play of colors, and especially is this case
with so-called "animated" beings.

The essential nature of the aura usually seen is astral and
electro-vital. The magnificent phenomena of radiation that
astronomers can discern at times of eclipse, long streamers
with rosy and other colored light flashing forth from the
body of the sun, are not "flames" nor anything of that sort,
but are simply the electro-vital aura of the solar body - a
mamifestation of solar vitality, for the sun in occultism
is a living being, as indeed everything else is.

   (Occult Glosssary - Purucker)


Note: After having studied many methods of Astral
         Projection, I have found that this is the easiest to do.
         Monroe teaches these techniques in a week, but they can be
         easily done in a day, with proper devotion. I feel that this
         technique is superior to others because it doesn't require
         intense visualization, which many people cannot do.

         (Taken from Leaving The Body: A Complete Guide to Astral
         Projection, D. Scott Rogo, prentice Hall Press)

         One of the chief barriers people learning to project face is
         fear.  Many are afraid that they may die, or be harmed in some
         way as a result of their projection.  Nothing could be farther
         from the truth.  The Cantebury Institute, reknowned for its
         occult studies, executed an experiment in projection involving
         over 2,000 people.  None of them were hurt in any way by this,
         and now, three years later, none have complained of any newly
         arising problems.

         Once you are aware that you cannot be harmed by projecting,
         you should begin monroe's techniques, step by step.

         Step one:
             Relax the body. According to Monroe, "the ability to relax
         is the first prerequisite, perhaps even the first step itself"
         to having an OBE. (out of body experience) This includes both
         physical and mental relaxation. Monroe does not suggest a
         method of attaining this relaxation, although Progressive
         Muscle relaxation, coupled with deep breathing exercises
         (inhale 1, exhale 2, inhale 3.... until 50 or 100) are known
         to work well.
         Step two:
             Enter the state bordering sleep.  This is known as the
         hypnagogic state. Once again, Monroe doesn't  recommend any
         method of doing this.  One way is to hold your forearm
         up, while keeping your upper arm on the bed, or ground. As you
         start to fall asleep, your arm will fall, and you will awaken
         again.  With practice, you can learn to control the Hypnagogic
         state without using your arm.  Another method is to
         concentrate on an object.  When other images start to enter
         your thoughts, you have entered the Hypnagogic state.
         Passively watch these images.  This will also help you
         maintain this state of near-sleep. Monroe calls this Condition

         Step three:
             Deepen this state. Begin to clear your mind.  observe your
         field of vision through your closed eyes.  Do nothing more
         for a while. Simply look through your closed eyelids at the
         blackness in front of you.  After a while, you may notice
         light patterns.  These are simply neural discharges.  They
         have no specific effect.  Ignore them.  When they cease, one
         has entered what Monroe calls Condition B.  From here, one
         must enter an even deeper state of relaxation which Monroe
         calls Condition C-- a state of such relaxation that you lose
         all awareness of the body and sensory stimulation.  You are
         almost in a void in which your only source of stimulation will
         be your own thoughts.
             The ideal state for leaving your body is Condition D.
         This is Condition C when it is voluntarily induced from a
         rested and refreshed condition and is not the effect of normal
         fatigue.  To achieve Condition D, Monroe suggests that you
         practice entering it in the morning or after a short nap.

         Step Four:
             Enter a state of Vibration. This is the most important
         part of the technique, and also the most vague.  
             Many projectors have noted these vibrations at the onset
         of projection.  They can be experienced as a mild tingling, or
         as is electricity is being shot through the body.  /their
         cause is a mystery.  It may actually be the astral body trying
         to leave the physical one.
         For entering into the vibrational state, he offers the
         following directions:

         1. Remove all jewelry or other items that might be touching
         your skin.
         2. Darken the room so that no light can be seen through your
         eyelids, but do not shut out all light.
         3. Lie down with your body along a north-south axis, with your
         head pointed toward magnetic north.
         4. Loosen all clothing, but keep covered so that you are
         slightly warmer than might normally be comfortable.
         5. Be sure you are in a location where, and at a time  when,
         there will be absolutely no noise to disturb you.
         6. Enter a state of relaxation
         7. Give yourself the mental suggestion that you will remember
         all that occurs during the upcoming session that will be
         beneficial to your weel-being. Repeat this five times.
         8. Proceed to breath through your helf-open mouth.
         9. As you breath, concentrate on the void in front of you.
        10. Select a point a foot away from your forehead, then change
         your point of mental reference to six feet.
        11. Turn the point 90 degrees upward by drawing an imaginary
         line parallel to your body axis up and above your head.  Focus
         there and reach out for the vibrations  at that point and
         bring them back into your body.

              Even if you don't know what these vibrations are, you
         will know when you have achieved contact with them.

         Step five:
             Learn to control the vibrational state.  Practice
         controling them by mentally pushing them into your head, down
         to your toes, making them surge throughout your entire body,
         and producing vibrational waves from head to foot.  To produce
         this wave effect, concentrate of the vibrations and mentally
         push a wave out of your head and guide it down your body.
         Practice this until you can induce these waves on command.
             Once you have control of the vibrational state, you are
         ready to leave the body.

         Step six:
             Begin with a partial seperation.  The key here is thought
         control.  Keep your mind firmly focused on the idea of leaving
         the body. Do not let it wander. Stray thought might cause you
         to lose control of the state.
             Now, having entered the vibrational state, begin exploring
         the OBE by releasing a hand or a foot of the "second body".
         Monroe suggests that you extend a limb until it comes in
         contact with a familiar object, such as a wall near your bed.
         Then push it through the object. Return the limb by placing it
         back into coincidence with the physical one, decrease the
         vibrational rate, and then terminate the experiment.  Lie
         quietly until you have fully returned to normal. This exercise
         will prepare you for full seperation.
         Step seven:
             Dissociate yourself from the body. Monroe suggests two
         methods for this.  One method is to lift out of the body.  To
         do this, think about getting lighter and lighter after
         entering this vibrational state.  Think about how nice it
         would be to float upward.  Keep this thought in mind at all
         costs and let no extraneous thoughts interrupt it. An OBE will
         occur naturally at this point.
            Another method is the "Rotation method" or "roll-out"
         technique.  When you have achieved the vibrational state, try
         to roll over as if you were turning over in bed.  /do not
         attempt to roll over physically.  Try to twist your body from
         the top and virtually roll over into your second body right
         out of your physical self.  At this point, you will be out of
         the body but next to it.  Think of floating upward, and you
         should find yourself floating above the body...

Friday, July 18, 2014

Thursday, July 17, 2014


 This video talks about the power points in the vagina and how our sensuality, sexuality and femininity as women are tied into our ability to have these energies center tapped properly. Enjoy


This video is for women who think that they" Lost Their Sexy and Don't Know How To Get It Back." There is help and hope. Enjoy!

Saturday, July 5, 2014


Sister True Brilliance talks about how important it is to face the darkness in YOU by descending into the unconscious mind.
You need to work on your inner demons so that it can be transformed to LIGHT.