Monday, July 21, 2014


Astral Simulacra
by Phil Hine
There follows a simple technique which is quite useful in distant healing. Whilst it is fairly
common for magicians to visualize the person or target being enchanted, I have found that
building up an "Astral Simulacra" of the target enhances a working. To do this, one recalls
memories of the target, and project into a specified space (triangle, crystal etc) the emotions that
those memories trigger. One does this by verbalizing the memories in the form of an invocation:
"I remember (name) laughing at a party
I remember the scent of her favourite perfume
I remember her graceful movements
I remember (name) in the ecstasy of an orgasm
I remember how (name) would complain about the rain
I remember how (name) sounded on the telephone."
By recalling memories and projecting them forth, energized by the appropriate emotions, the
simulacra may be used as the carrier for a healing or empowerment servitor, which could, for
example, be placed at an appropriate location within the body of the simulacra. The simulacra
can be despatched, visualizing it as merging with the body of the target subject. This technique
can be very effective when a group of participants build a simulacra of a target from the gestaltprojection
of the memories of those present.
This technique can also be used in works of self-healing, where one might, for example, be
struggling to achieve closure with an estranged partner or relative. By creating a simulacra out of
memories and emotions, one might address the simulacra as though it was the person
themselves, which can be a ritualised opportunity to tell the 'person' things that one needs to, to
move on from that life experience. This technique can also be used to facilitate the severance of
psychic links with former partners.

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