Sunday, July 20, 2014


                 ***** THE AURA *****

An extremely subtle and therefore invisible essence or fluid
that emanates from and surrounds not only human beings and
beasts, but as a matter of fact, plants and minerals also.

It is one of the aspects of the Auric Egg and therefore the
human aura partakes of all the qualities that the human 
constitution contains.

it is at once magneto-mental and electro-vital, suffused with
the energies of the mind and spirt - the quality in each case
coming from an organ or center of the human constitution
whence it flows. It is the source of the sympathies and
antipathies that we are conscious of.

Under the control of the human will it can be both life-giving
and healing, or death-dealing; and when the human will is
passive the aura has an action of its own which is automatic
and follows the laws character and latent impulses of the
being from which it emanates.

Sensitives have frequently described it in more or less vague
terms as  a light flowing from the eyes or the heart or the
tips of the fingers or from other parts of the body.

Sometimes this fluid, instead of being colorless light, manifests
itself by flashing and scintillating changes of colors - the
color or colors in each case depending not only upon the varying
moods of the human individual, but also possessing a background
equivalent to the character or nature of the individual.

Animals are extremely sensitive to auraa; and some beasts even
descry the human being surrounded with aura as with a cloud or
veil. As a matter of fact, everything has its aura surrounding
it with a light or play of colors, and especially is this case
with so-called "animated" beings.

The essential nature of the aura usually seen is astral and
electro-vital. The magnificent phenomena of radiation that
astronomers can discern at times of eclipse, long streamers
with rosy and other colored light flashing forth from the
body of the sun, are not "flames" nor anything of that sort,
but are simply the electro-vital aura of the solar body - a
mamifestation of solar vitality, for the sun in occultism
is a living being, as indeed everything else is.

   (Occult Glosssary - Purucker)

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