Thursday, July 24, 2014



        Western magik has traditionally placed a great deal
of emphasis upon the use of willpower as a means of
development and self-mastery. But this may not be the best
method in the long run. Isaac Bonewitz describes how the
subconscious will sometimes rebel against willpower with
'spectacular results'. It is far better to run one's life
        Hawaiian Kahuna magik describes the 'three selves',
ie. the lower self (or subconscious), the middle self (or
normal consciousness), and the high self (spirit or Holy
Guardian Angel). Enlightenment in the Hawaiian system
consists of unification of the three selves. They become
'buddies'. Enlightenment does not come from great change. It
comes from great acceptance. Continual effort at becoming
better takes you nowhere. For becoming it is not being it.
The unification is achieved by first developing
communication with the subconscious and later with the
high self also. Simple exercises with a pendulum, automatic
writing, raised finger responses, self hypnosis, recording
and analysis of dreams etc. facilitate communication with
the subconscious. At first communication with the high self
must be via the subconscious, but later it is possible to go
direct to it.

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