Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Getting Out Of Spiritual Kindergarten & The New Moon Eclipse


Special message from Ashante TaeQueen Fernandes
Mercury Retrograde and what it means for you.
What is a Witch?

Ashante TaeQueen Fernandes is a wholistic lifestyle expert assisting conscious minded individuals with creating innovative and practical ways to live a healthier more fulfilling life. 

🔽Click the link below to get a FREE New Moon Eclipse Ritual🔽

🔽Contact TaeQueen and go to her Etsy shop below🔽

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Saturday, August 27, 2016

Hymn to Obatala " King of the White Cloth"

Obatala is the Wise Old Man figure of African Spirituality. His name
means 'King of the White Cloth', as white is his sacred color,
signifying purity and clear sight. For this reason offerings are given
to him of rice, white bread, milk and white candles. His altars and
candles are always in white. He never accepts offerings of intoxicants.
In fact, no one should ever approach him in a state of inebriation.

is everyone's compassionate Baba (revered father), the personification
of dignity, wisdom and serenity. He's the paternal, patient and merciful
counselor and the giver of clarity.

But Obatala is also motherly
wisdom, in fact half the time Obatala comes down to Earth, it's
disguised as a woman. In Cuba he was syncretized with Our Lady of Mercy.
Her white robe and her title reminded the Lukumi of the spirit of

It is said that Obatala used a chain made by Ogun (the
divine worker of iron) to come down to Earth at the beginning of
creation, in order to help civilize humanity.

He is white, like
the cortex of the brain, like the bones that give structure and
stability. In the same way, elders, keepers of knowledge and wise
persons are like the pillars of a society.

He is pure white light
energy, like the hair of the elders and the ancestors. It is said that
Obatala always has a cool head ... and that his white hair is his crown.

is white light energy, like the seminal fluids associated with
fatherhood. He is the first, the eldest and the most respected of all
the Orisha (deities) and the Father of all the Orisha and men. Sacred to
him are the clouds, the tops of mountains and all the high places, for
he is the highest and most sublime of the Orisha.

May the Earth
and all her creatures be blessed and protected by his wisdom and the
wisdom and love of all of our ancestors on this day and everyday. Ashé

"We stand on the shoulders of those who came before us" - a traditional Yoruba proverb

The song 'Obatala' is by Carlos Mena, and can be found in his vibrant and eclectic production, 'Hip Hop Meditations'.

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Friday, August 26, 2016

How To Neutralize Negative Energy

The basic function of the Orgone Energy Generator or Orgone Energy Accumulator is to recycle stagnant negative energy, also known as dead Orgone Energy, into healthy and pure "life enhancing" or "life giving" Orgone Energy - otherwise known as Life Force or Chi Energy . We have further enhanced this process by adding crystals and gemstones to the mix and alchemically aligning the orgone matrix with the devic life and the sacred vibrations imprinted in the process. The result is an amplification of the life-enhancing effect of the orgone, and a conscious, living energy tool for personal and environmental uses.  

 By aligning with the consciousness of the crysals and gemstones used, You create a powerful tool to strengthen your immune system, shield against the adverse effects of EMF radiation, dissipate emotional negativity, and to help you connect and maintain the connection to your higher spiritual self. By wearing, actively using or placing one of the Orgone Products in your environment, you will enjoy a higher state of energy, well-being, security and vitality. 


Gather Ingredients

• muffin pan, regular or non-stick, 6 or 12 holes
(3-oz. size), (oiling not needed since resin shrinks)

• 6 or 12 bean-sized quartz crystals. Low quality
works just fine. OK to use broken pieces, tumbled beads
from a quartz necklace. At least 1/4" to half inch long. If
pieces are smaller than this use more than 1 .

• metal particles. 16 or 32 ozs. for 6 or 12 muffins. ANY
type of metal: metal scour pads (cut them up; cheap at 990
Stores), shavings from machine shops /key-maker, small
nails /pins /paperclips. BBs (copper or zinc-coated ball
bearings from a Sports store) work but are very heavy &
expensive if you're making lots of TBs, HHGs.

• resin & catalyst, a Quart (32 ounces) makes 12 muffins.
A Gallon makes 48 muffins. Any type of resin: fiberglass,
epoxy, clear, acrylic, marine. Bondo fiberglass resin is
available from Home-Depot, lumber or auto-supply stores.

Prepare to Make Your Muffins

Set up your work space outside or in ventilated garage

• big sheet of cardboard, trashbag or to protect work surface

• rubber gloves to protect your hands

• paper container for mixing resin with hardener (catalyst)

• stick for stirring hardener into the resin

• old spoons for spooning metal-particles into pan

• rags, old socks, paper towel for wiping resin off utensils

• clock with second-hand to help you time 1 minute, also
know how much time you have before resin becomes hard 


"1 Drop one small quartz crystal into each muffin hole. If pieces
are tiny drop in more than one.

2 Nearly fill each muffin hole with metal particles.

For a full minute, mix up enough catalyzed resin (resin with
catalyst added) to fill muffin pan holes: 16 ounces for 6 holes:
32 ounces (1 quart ) for 12 holes. The metal & crystals make up
for the missing 2 or 4 ounces. Recomendation: figure out
how much catalyst you think you need and use 25% -40%
less. Doing this gives you more time to mix and pour before
resin hardens. Also reduces incidence of cracking.

Working briskly, pour about an ounce of catalyzed resin into
each muffin hole so that the resin easily soaks down to the
bottom while it is very fluid. Then go back and repour resin
almost to the top of each muffin hole.

Let resin cure. It gets hot and rock-hard in about 15 minutes.
Muffins are "done" when hard. (If resin doesn't cure enough
you can ADD HEAT with a hairdryer, heat-lamp, heat gun or
setting the pan in direct sunlight to cause curing.)

Turn pan upside down and smack it or whack rim against the
table to release your fresh Muffin Tower Busters. Sticking
muffins can be coaxed out with a harder whack or thin knife.

Optional: Paint your muffins to your liking or favorite color/s of
your friends to whom you give them. To make them stealthy to
blend with environments, spraypaint them brown & green. 

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Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The Dance of Yemoja


Life, we are told, originated in the primal seas of Earth when the right nutrients and chemicals combined at the right time and place. In the same way that this primal soup received the seed of life, all human beings also originate as fertilized eggs in a dark, watery womb.

The Yoruba and other peoples of Africa, and their New World descendants in the diaspora, believe that the Mother of all Life is Yemayá, the Goddess of the Seven Seas, the Orisha that rules over salt water and motherhood.

In Cuba, Yemayá is syncretized with Our Lady of Regla (La Virgen de Regla), the patroness of the holy city of Regla. The word Regla in Spanish also refers to the menstrual cycle ("le baja la regla" literally translates as she is menstruating) and this Catholic name really diluscidates the synchronicity between the moon, the seas, and the menstrual cycles of women. Yemayá owns the mysteries of women and of life, and She is the quintessential watery Mother.

It has always been noted also that salt water has healing properties: if we expose scarred tissue to the sea, this will expedite its recovery. In just the same way science shows that when mothers caress their children's belly when in pain, this releases feel-good hormones that also strengthen the immune system and diminish pain. Yemayá's motherly love has healing properties.

Let us ask for forgiveness for our crimes against Yemaya,
Let us not pollute the waters and the Earth,
Let us not overfish the oceans,
Let us not mistreat the dolphins, whales and other intelligent sea creatures,
Let us cleanse ourselves with salted water in her name and honor.

The song 'Yemaya' is by On Wings of Song & Robert Gass and it can be found on their CD Ancient Mother.

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Tuesday, August 23, 2016

A Hymn to Ogun

 Kreyol lyrics:

Ogou O, wa de zanj

Le m sonje pitit an mwen chwal an mwe

Chwal an mwe parenn Ogou chwal an mwe

Le m sonje pitit an mwen chwal an mwe

Ogou O, djab-la di lap manje mwen si sre vre?

Pa fout vre

Ogou O, djab-la di lap manje mwen si sre vre?

Men gen Bondje O gen lesen-yo

Djab-la di lap manje mwen se pa vre

Se pa vre ti moun-yo se pa vre

Sa se jwet ti moun-yo sa se blag

English translation:

Ogou O, King of the Angels

I miss my child, my horse

My horse, godfather Ogou, my horse

I miss my child, my horse

Ogou O, the djab says he'll eat me, is this true?

It's not true

Ogou O, the djab says he'll eat me, is this true?

But we have God, Oh we have the Saints

The djab says he'll eat me, it's not true

It's not true, children, it's not true

That's a game, children, that's a joke

Song: Ogou O Wa de Zanj by Mimerose Beaubrun
Background Image: "Ogou Balendjo" painting by Nancy Turnier Ferere

Friday, August 5, 2016

Emerald Tablets Of Thoth

The Tablets of Thoth are imperishable, resistant to all elements, corrosion and acids. In effect, the atomic and cellular structure is fixed, and no change can take place, thus violating the material law of ionization, according to Bibliotecapleyades.

Upon them are engraved characters in the Ancient Atlantean language; characters which respond to the attuned thought waves of the reader and which release much more wisdom and information than the characters do when merely deciphered. The Tablets are fastened together with hoops of a golden colored alloy suspended from a rod of the same material.


When Thoth, the Atlantean and Master raised the people of Khem (Egypt) to a great civilization, and when the time came for him to leave Egypt, he erected The Great Pyramid over the entrance of the Great Halls of Amenti. In the Pyramid, he posited his records and appointed Guards for his secrets from among the highest of his people.

In later times, the descendants of these guards became the Pyramid Priests, while Thoth was deified as the God of Wisdom, the Recorder, by those in the age of darkness which followed his passing. In legend, the Halls of Amenti became the underworld, the Halls of the Gods, where the soul passed after death for judgment.  
During later ages, the ego of Thoth passed into the bodies of men in the manner described in The Emerald Tablets, a Book of Record and Occult Wisdom which he wrote and left in the Pyramid for those of a future Age of Light.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

The Goddess of the World - Dr.Marija Gimbutas

In the rich community of Vilnius, Lithuania, Marija Gimbutas (pronounced Maria Gim bah tas)
was born. Her desires and dreams offered a complex and encouraging
narrative of our past. Her discoveries put the spotlight on southeast
Europe in relation to the Upper Paleolithic, Paleolithic and Neolithic
eras (7000 – 3500 BC) also known as the Bronze Age.

Her life was filled with family, community and school.  Her parents
extended their value of education by example. Her mother was the first
woman in Lithuania with a PhD in Medicine. As an ophthalmologist, she
offered the option of having a career and giving back to the community.
Her father also had a medical degree and practiced his contribution of
intellectual and spiritual interests. Towards the end of Marija’s high
school education, her father died and as a result worked harder to be a
great student. Finding herself drawn to the songs of the local women as
they worked, she met with them and tirelessly wrote down the lyrics.
Capturing the local mythology, she wove the story of her beginnings – as
a culture, as a country and as a woman. These ancient stories captured
her heart and soul.

Withstanding the invasion of Russia, in 1944 she fled to Austria with
her husband and baby daughter. During her five year stay she earned her
doctorate in archaeology and gave birth to her second daughter. Shortly
thereafter, her family emigrated to the United States.

She secured an unpaid researcher position at Harvard as the only
expert in Eastern European history. She wrote her first book in the
1950s (The Prehistory of Eastern Europe) and didn’t receive an
advance or royalties. She couldn’t join the faculty club denying her
access to two of the campus’s libraries due to being a woman. This lack
of funding or exclusion didn’t deter her determination to advance her
studies and her vocation of unearthing thousands of artifacts half a
world away.

Accepting a professorship in European archeology in UCLA, she settled
in California. She then directed five major archeological digs
throughout southeast Europe. In her discoveries, thousands of vessels
and figurines were excavated, the majority of which were female in
construction. Numerous temples were discovered as well, with the female
sculpture usually featured as the center of high regard. Dr. Gimbutas
determined from her many hours of research that during this time there
was a peaceful and creative civilization that equally shared the tasks
of family rearing, food gathering and creative expression. This was a
time of harmony and prosperity – there was no warfare for about 3500
years. This female centric era wasn’t about putting one sex above the
other, but about the focus on Mother Earth and working together.

Her published works focused no the goddess. With photographs and
illustrations of these discoveries she invite us to consider the sacred
and the mystery of our world. Her valuable texts ask us to explore the
profound and offer our inspiration to others in the form of beauty and

Dr. Gimbutas’s life work gave us a significant chapter in our
history. To discover a significant sized community that lived in
cohesive harmony for three and a half millennia is astounding and
promising. So much of our formative history lessons focused on warfare;
who took over what land and how many people suffered and died – the
victors and the victims. To have living proof of a time in our past
where creativity, honor and respect were the guiding forces; in which
tombs, sculptures and paintings were produced of exquisite beauty and
grace is a testimony of an advanced evolution. These people left their
legacy and Gimbutas found it and shared it with us. Her dreams of
delving into ancient beginnings, urge us to build upon the same
foundation – working and living together in a partnership. Holding the
earth with reverence is essential to our continuation as a species.

I am inspired by her mantra: Don’t give in, keep moving forward and
give back. In this way of living, we will evolve into that peaceful
place once more. We are to lead by example, just as she did for us.