Friday, August 26, 2016

How To Neutralize Negative Energy

The basic function of the Orgone Energy Generator or Orgone Energy Accumulator is to recycle stagnant negative energy, also known as dead Orgone Energy, into healthy and pure "life enhancing" or "life giving" Orgone Energy - otherwise known as Life Force or Chi Energy . We have further enhanced this process by adding crystals and gemstones to the mix and alchemically aligning the orgone matrix with the devic life and the sacred vibrations imprinted in the process. The result is an amplification of the life-enhancing effect of the orgone, and a conscious, living energy tool for personal and environmental uses.  

 By aligning with the consciousness of the crysals and gemstones used, You create a powerful tool to strengthen your immune system, shield against the adverse effects of EMF radiation, dissipate emotional negativity, and to help you connect and maintain the connection to your higher spiritual self. By wearing, actively using or placing one of the Orgone Products in your environment, you will enjoy a higher state of energy, well-being, security and vitality. 


Gather Ingredients

• muffin pan, regular or non-stick, 6 or 12 holes
(3-oz. size), (oiling not needed since resin shrinks)

• 6 or 12 bean-sized quartz crystals. Low quality
works just fine. OK to use broken pieces, tumbled beads
from a quartz necklace. At least 1/4" to half inch long. If
pieces are smaller than this use more than 1 .

• metal particles. 16 or 32 ozs. for 6 or 12 muffins. ANY
type of metal: metal scour pads (cut them up; cheap at 990
Stores), shavings from machine shops /key-maker, small
nails /pins /paperclips. BBs (copper or zinc-coated ball
bearings from a Sports store) work but are very heavy &
expensive if you're making lots of TBs, HHGs.

• resin & catalyst, a Quart (32 ounces) makes 12 muffins.
A Gallon makes 48 muffins. Any type of resin: fiberglass,
epoxy, clear, acrylic, marine. Bondo fiberglass resin is
available from Home-Depot, lumber or auto-supply stores.

Prepare to Make Your Muffins

Set up your work space outside or in ventilated garage

• big sheet of cardboard, trashbag or to protect work surface

• rubber gloves to protect your hands

• paper container for mixing resin with hardener (catalyst)

• stick for stirring hardener into the resin

• old spoons for spooning metal-particles into pan

• rags, old socks, paper towel for wiping resin off utensils

• clock with second-hand to help you time 1 minute, also
know how much time you have before resin becomes hard 


"1 Drop one small quartz crystal into each muffin hole. If pieces
are tiny drop in more than one.

2 Nearly fill each muffin hole with metal particles.

For a full minute, mix up enough catalyzed resin (resin with
catalyst added) to fill muffin pan holes: 16 ounces for 6 holes:
32 ounces (1 quart ) for 12 holes. The metal & crystals make up
for the missing 2 or 4 ounces. Recomendation: figure out
how much catalyst you think you need and use 25% -40%
less. Doing this gives you more time to mix and pour before
resin hardens. Also reduces incidence of cracking.

Working briskly, pour about an ounce of catalyzed resin into
each muffin hole so that the resin easily soaks down to the
bottom while it is very fluid. Then go back and repour resin
almost to the top of each muffin hole.

Let resin cure. It gets hot and rock-hard in about 15 minutes.
Muffins are "done" when hard. (If resin doesn't cure enough
you can ADD HEAT with a hairdryer, heat-lamp, heat gun or
setting the pan in direct sunlight to cause curing.)

Turn pan upside down and smack it or whack rim against the
table to release your fresh Muffin Tower Busters. Sticking
muffins can be coaxed out with a harder whack or thin knife.

Optional: Paint your muffins to your liking or favorite color/s of
your friends to whom you give them. To make them stealthy to
blend with environments, spraypaint them brown & green. 

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