Saturday, August 27, 2016

Hymn to Obatala " King of the White Cloth"

Obatala is the Wise Old Man figure of African Spirituality. His name
means 'King of the White Cloth', as white is his sacred color,
signifying purity and clear sight. For this reason offerings are given
to him of rice, white bread, milk and white candles. His altars and
candles are always in white. He never accepts offerings of intoxicants.
In fact, no one should ever approach him in a state of inebriation.

is everyone's compassionate Baba (revered father), the personification
of dignity, wisdom and serenity. He's the paternal, patient and merciful
counselor and the giver of clarity.

But Obatala is also motherly
wisdom, in fact half the time Obatala comes down to Earth, it's
disguised as a woman. In Cuba he was syncretized with Our Lady of Mercy.
Her white robe and her title reminded the Lukumi of the spirit of

It is said that Obatala used a chain made by Ogun (the
divine worker of iron) to come down to Earth at the beginning of
creation, in order to help civilize humanity.

He is white, like
the cortex of the brain, like the bones that give structure and
stability. In the same way, elders, keepers of knowledge and wise
persons are like the pillars of a society.

He is pure white light
energy, like the hair of the elders and the ancestors. It is said that
Obatala always has a cool head ... and that his white hair is his crown.

is white light energy, like the seminal fluids associated with
fatherhood. He is the first, the eldest and the most respected of all
the Orisha (deities) and the Father of all the Orisha and men. Sacred to
him are the clouds, the tops of mountains and all the high places, for
he is the highest and most sublime of the Orisha.

May the Earth
and all her creatures be blessed and protected by his wisdom and the
wisdom and love of all of our ancestors on this day and everyday. Ashé

"We stand on the shoulders of those who came before us" - a traditional Yoruba proverb

The song 'Obatala' is by Carlos Mena, and can be found in his vibrant and eclectic production, 'Hip Hop Meditations'.

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