Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The Dance of Yemoja


Life, we are told, originated in the primal seas of Earth when the right nutrients and chemicals combined at the right time and place. In the same way that this primal soup received the seed of life, all human beings also originate as fertilized eggs in a dark, watery womb.

The Yoruba and other peoples of Africa, and their New World descendants in the diaspora, believe that the Mother of all Life is Yemayá, the Goddess of the Seven Seas, the Orisha that rules over salt water and motherhood.

In Cuba, Yemayá is syncretized with Our Lady of Regla (La Virgen de Regla), the patroness of the holy city of Regla. The word Regla in Spanish also refers to the menstrual cycle ("le baja la regla" literally translates as she is menstruating) and this Catholic name really diluscidates the synchronicity between the moon, the seas, and the menstrual cycles of women. Yemayá owns the mysteries of women and of life, and She is the quintessential watery Mother.

It has always been noted also that salt water has healing properties: if we expose scarred tissue to the sea, this will expedite its recovery. In just the same way science shows that when mothers caress their children's belly when in pain, this releases feel-good hormones that also strengthen the immune system and diminish pain. Yemayá's motherly love has healing properties.

Let us ask for forgiveness for our crimes against Yemaya,
Let us not pollute the waters and the Earth,
Let us not overfish the oceans,
Let us not mistreat the dolphins, whales and other intelligent sea creatures,
Let us cleanse ourselves with salted water in her name and honor.

The song 'Yemaya' is by On Wings of Song & Robert Gass and it can be found on their CD Ancient Mother.

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