Sunday, October 25, 2015

Chakra Meditation Balancing & Healing Music


✜ Solar Plexus Chakra or Manipura Meditation Balancing and Healing Music features Music with Solar Plexus Chakra vibration frequencies 320Hz, 528Hz, 126.22Hz and other Harmonics. 

✜ Music composition is based on the associated Indian Classical Raaga for Solar Plexus Chakra - Bhimpalasi. 


Manipura(in Sanskrit) or the Solar Plexus Chakra is the third primary chakra or energy center in our body. Manipura is considered the center of dynamism, energy, willpower, and achievement (Itcha shakti), which radiates prana(the life energy) throughout the entire human body. It is associated with the power of fire and digestion, as well as with the sense of sight and the action of movement. Through meditating on Manipura, one is said to attain the power to create (save) or destroy the world. 

Located at the navel or slightly above the solar plexus, the third chakra is called Manipura, the "City of Jewels" Mani means gem, Pura means city.

Manipura is said to be associated with the pancreas and the outer adrenal glands; the adrenal cortex. These glands create important hormones involved in digestion, converting food into energy for the body, in the same way that Manipura radiates Prana throughout the body.


➻ Sit comfortably in your normal posture, you can also sit on a chair. Key idea is to keep your back straight and not to slouch. 
➻ Close your Eyes and Breathe Slowly but naturally. Take your attention inwards, to do this, concentrate on your breathe, on the air as you breathe in and out. And as you start getting more relaxed. This is a wonderful way to silence the mind, and develop more focus.
➻ Now visualize an yellow sphere, a energy sphere in between your spine and navel. As you breathe in the sphere becomes larger - full of energy, and as you breathe out, this yellow life energy goes up the spine and radiates outwards via your spine to entire body. Filling your every cell with this life energy.
➻ As you will become more relaxed and your focus becomes more strong, you will feel the vibrations of the frequency in the music simulating the chakra. It may take 5-15 mins
➻ As the energy moves upward through the spine and spreads to the rest of your body, you may feel waves or ripples going up your spine.
➻ Solar chakra element is fire, If during meditation, you have burning sensation in your hands, body, spine, legs.. let it be, its your fire nature manifesting
➻ Minimum Recommended time : 21Mins.

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