Wednesday, October 14, 2015

It's ALL an illusion or is it?

It's ALL an illusion or is it. What is the illusion. The Planet and all that exist within it is not an illusion. Remember in the movie Lucy how the Trees and other things were shown outside of a "physical" solid mass. That is another level of frequency. Everything you see on a daily basis in solid form is not an illusion. You see and perceive at the rate of your own vibration. Using the Wheel and Spokes again, you see the Spokes when the Wheel spins at a lower rate. When it speeds up the spokes seems to disappear. If you are able to move at the same rate as the Wheel you can put your hand through and not cause any damage. When you raise your vibration you see your surroundings differently. It was always there.
The "real" illusions are the lies and presentation of how the world we exist in functions. Many of these lies are operating in front of your face with the guarantee of the operators that you will not see.. When you begin to dissect you will begin to see things as they really are. An example are ghost, spirits who are on a different frequency. Many loved ones who have passed are constantly tapping your shoulders. They are trying to communicate with you. Many who have not "evolved" are wondering why you are not answering. This is a major point of confusion for some. The difference in frequency is why the connection is not made. So once again change your rate of frequency and you change the world you exist in. You are not an illusion.

Post By Sandra Fraser

Sandra Fraser's photo.

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