Thursday, October 22, 2015

The 10 Virtue's Of MA'AT

These 10 Virtues are the foundation of the Spiritual system
practiced by the Ancient Kemetians (Egyptians).  We would all benefit
from meditating on these principles and putting them into practice. 
They are as follows:

1) Control of Your Thoughts (Wisdom)

2) Control of Your Actions (Temperance)

3) Steadfastness of Purpose  – Maintaining focus of the purpose of
one’s life and the attainment of Supreme Consciousness.  (Devotion and

4) Alignment of one’s actions with Spiritual principles and avoidance
of actions of a passional nature that impede Spiritual growth. 

5)  Having a mission in life.  A call to Spiritual Orders.  (Purpose)

6) Deep insight that benefits the faculty of Seership. (Prudence)

7) Freedom from resentment under the experience of persecution and wrong. ( Courage)

8) Confidence in the Master’s ability to teach you the Truth. (Obedience)

9)  Confidence in your ability to assimilate the Truth.  (Fidelity)

10) Discrimination.  The ability to distinguish between the real and the unreal, truth and untruth.  (Steadfastness)

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